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Reasons Why You Might Need to Get Your Pipes Relined


One of the most important aspects that you have to be mindful of when maintaining your home is your plumbing. The plumbing runs all throughout your home, and any trouble or problems with it could lead to significant costs in repairs and damages. One solution you need to consider for certain problems is relining, as this can ensure your pipes are usable for the foreseeable future. Here are some reasons you might need your pipes relined. 

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Reader claims island at train station provides safety and attractiveness to the town

Toilet_garber -square

I know that taking away islands is Knudsen’s idea. I mean that she is working in the spirit of Aronsohn and gang, continuing their work so to speak. Therefore Aronshon and gang get a bonus, a reward. Aronsohn and gang overdeveloped the town as much as possible, but didn’t think of islands at train station. Knudsen did think of it, continuing to tear away at what provides safety and attractiveness to the town. A narrow path at train station makes it virtually impossible for shoppers at farmers market to traverse the area. Commuters will find it much more dangerous to get to their parked cars.
. If CBD is sometimes too crowded to park , so is Westfield Garden State Plaza. And so is Paramus Park Mall and Fashion Center sometimes too crowded. Hey, this is Bergen County. One million people live here.
Hudson St. is the worst possible intersection for a parking garage. Too congested,creating a traffic mess. The garage will never pay for itself; raising parking meter rates to one dollar will keep people away.

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Ridgewood Water , can no flush Fridays be far behind?


November 15 ,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood Water is reminding people that , “Your Toilet is a Water Thief”  – Check your toilet for leaks to save water and money. Free testing tablets are available at the office of Ridgewood Water.

Longer term readers of the Ridgewood blog know the Village  has had its fill of “Golden Toilets” .

Given the current state of water restrictions in the Village of Ridgewood and the rest of Ridgewood Waters service area begs the question, can no flush Fridays be far behind?


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Speaking of Ridgewood Bathrooms The Stable Rest Rooms finally opened for use


June 8th 2017
by Boyd Loving

Ridgewood NJ, Lower level bathroom facilities at The Stable, 259 North Maple Avenue, will be accessible from 6:30 AM through 10:00 PM daily during Spring, Summer, and Fall seasons as per Ridgewood Village Manager Heather Mailander. This is the same schedule applicable to bathroom facilities on Vets Field.

Taxpayers had previously been informed that renovations to The Stable were required due to the need for new bathroom facilities. But more than 1 year after the renovations were completed, the new bathrooms were still not made accessible from the lower level’s outer door. Blame had been cast to the Village’s Network IT administrator, who reportedly failed to install the software and hardware necessary to automatically open & lock the outer door on a scheduled basis. All seems to be in order now, thankfully.

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Executive Order, to force schools, businesses, etc, to allow men to use girls’ locker rooms and toilets

RHS Toilet
June 11,2016

by Ron DuBois

Since the President saw fit to issue “guidelines” in an Executive Order, to force schools, businesses, etc, to allow men to use girls’ locker rooms and toilets, I’ve been following the fallout. Shortly after the decree, some schools and stores began welcoming trans-sexuals, and other gender-confused people, to use whatever bathroom or changing facility they identified most with. One reason given was that such persons should not be made to feel uncomfortable if, for example, they are males who believe they are really females trapped in mens’ bodies, and would prefer to use the ladies room rather than the men’s room.I don’t want to go into the usual arguments, like male predators wanting to see females in various stages of undress, but I wonder – if a male wants to use the female bathroom or locker room because he feels uncomfortable using the male facilities, did the President think how uncomfortable the girls might be with men coming in gawking at them? Transgendered people make up well under one percent of the population; why are we trying to accommodate their feelings at the expense of the, say 50 percent of females in the population, who will now be made to feel uncomfortable? It seems to defy logic, when maybe 80 or 90 females have to be made uncomfortable, so one male/female doesn’t.

Well, about a week after this started, I thought of an answer, but didn’t say anything because I was sure lots of others would also think of it. To date, I haven’t heard or read about anyone proposing my solution. I believe it’s because certain people (in power) on both sides don’t want a simple solution. It really isn’t about inclusiveness for all, it’s about breaking down the traditions that have served us well, like honesty and morality, like traditional marriage and the family, like teaching schoolkids about American History and the Constitution, and making them proud to be Americans. The actions of Progressives and others show just how astute Benjamin Franklin was, when he said the Constitution was only for a moral and religious people, and was totally inadequate for any other.

So here is the solution I propose. Every school, and every large store, has facilities to change, try on things, and go to the toilet; they have multiple places for these accommodations. Schools, for instance have faculty bathrooms, as well as student bathrooms. Since the  number of transgenders, cross-dressers, etc at each school, store or business is miniscule, only one toilet will be needed to accommodate them (maybe more on a college campus with thousands of students). One of the faculty bathrooms can be set aside for this purpose. Large facilities, institutions, and stores also have enough bathrooms to set one aside so transgenders, etc can use a toilet or change, without embarrassment.

For showering, I can only suggest that if someone is uncomfortable showering with others who have the same genitalia, they wait until they get home to shower. I do not advocate males being allowed to barge into a female shower room, and shower with them. I also believe that if a man wants to use the female showers, it should only be allowed if he has undergone the full medical change, so he is now a woman, like Bruce Jenner did. Just because a man feels feminine one morning does not give him the right to shower with the girls at school.