November 10,2015
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, “We’ll see…” was Mayor Paul Aronsohn’s answer when asked about the the September 30th agreed to studies . The Mayor did at lest confirm his commitment to the Financial Impact Study.Residents felt betrayed and reminded the council that you cannot renege on any of the approved studies and maintain our trust. Residents deserve and demand the comprehensive overlook you voted for before you consider any sweeping changes to the Central Business District.
At the Monday night meeting several of the Council Members indicated that they could not recall exactly what they voted on, and “committed” to, on September 30th before an audience of hundreds of residents. The video and Heather Mailander’s clarification of the motion immediately before the vote from the September 30th meeting set the record straight :
It is clear that ALL Councilmembers were fully aware of the motion put to the vote and all parties were given the opportunity for further clarification, prior to the vote.
The Vote then occurred as follows:
Heather Mailander: “So this is the amended version which we just read which is multiple studies. Traffic and infrastructure study, financial study and the school impact study. And it’s a comprehensive traffic study as outlined by Councilwoman Knudsen: CBD, surrounding neighborhoods, entire Village. Correct? Okay. So that’s the motion on the floor. Any more discussion?
Susan Knudsen: “And that would be to table everything until this?”
Heather Mailander: “Correct, correct.”
The vote, was then taken with the following result:
Hauck: Yes
Knudson: Yes
Pucciarelli: No
Sedon: Yes
Aronsohn: Yes
It could not be clearer as to what the Council voted on. The council committed to multiple studies. a comprehensive traffic study and infrastructure study, financial study and the school impact study. That’s now what residents require .
Residents clearly indicated that they need a better answer than, “We’ll see.” The High Density development issue is simply too big of an issue ,fundamentally changing the nature of the Village of Ridgewood forever.