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Paramus Neurologist Faces New Charges Alleging He Fraudulently Billed Insurance Companies for $682,000 in Statewide Medical Kickback Scheme

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June 3,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paramus NJ,  Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal and the Office of the Insurance Fraud Prosecutor announced today that a Bergen County neurologist indicted last year on third-degree charges in connection with a statewide medical kickback scheme now faces additional charges of health care claims fraud, misconduct by a corporate official, and other second-degree offenses, as the result of a newly returned superseding indictment.
The superseding indictment alleges Dr. Terry Ramnanan, 65, who operates the Interventional Spine and Pain Treatment Center facility in Paramus, used his medical facility to fraudulently bill insurance carriers for more than 637 medical procedures totaling $682,000 related to patients involved in the kickback scheme. The 10-count superseding indictment was handed up to Superior Court Judge Peter E. Warshaw in Mercer County yesterday.
“The deeper our investigators dig, the more dirt they uncover on doctors who conspired to buy and sell patients for profit in this statewide kickback scheme,” said Attorney General Grewal. “Upon further information and review, additional, upgraded charges against Dr. Ramnanan are appropriate, given his alleged role in this conspiracy to corrupt New Jersey’s health care industry.”

Ramnanan, who lives in Upper Saddle River, is one of dozens of health care practitioners charged in connection with an ongoing investigation by the Attorney General’s Commercial Bribery Task Force (CBTF) that was formed in January 2016 to target commercial bribery in the health care industry. The task force includes deputy attorneys general and detectives from the Office of Insurance Fraud Prosecutor and the Division of Criminal Justice Financial & Computer Crimes Bureau.

The CBTF investigation has uncovered a statewide criminal enterprise in which doctors received hundreds of thousands of dollars in illegal kickbacks in return for providing patient referrals worth millions of dollars to other doctors and medical service providers.

In August 2017, Ramnanan was indicted on one charge each of third-degree conspiracy, commercial bribery, and criminal use of runners for allegedly paying Totowa chiropractor Ronald Hayek in exchange for patient referrals.
Ramnanan is now accused of bribing another health care professional, identified only by the initials A.A, for patient referrals and then fraudulently submitting insurance claims for medical treatment performed on those patients.
“Dr. Ramnanan’s alleged crimes are greater in number and more serious in nature than we originally believed. The charges contained in the superseding indictment reflect the true nature of his involvement in this scheme,” said Acting Insurance Fraud Prosecutor Tracy M. Thompson. “Our Commercial Bribery Task Force will continue to run down tips and follow leads to ensure that all those involved in this criminal enterprise are held fully accountable for their actions.”

In addition to the previous charges against Ramnanan, the superseding indictment contains additional charges of:
Misconduct by a Corporate Official (2nd degree)
Health Care Claims Fraud (two counts, 2nd degree)
Theft by Deception (2nd degree)
Commercial Bribery (3rd degree)
Criminal Use of Runners (3rd degree)
It also upgrades the previous count of Conspiracy from 3rd degree to 2nd degree.
The charges are merely accusations and the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty. Second-degree crimes carry a sentence of five to 10 years in state prison and a fine of up to $150,000, while third-degree crimes carry a sentence of three to five years in state prison and a fine of up to $15,000.

According to the superseding indictment, between January 2012 and April 2016, Ramnanan conspired with both “A.A.” and Hayek in a kickback scheme in which Ramnanan paid them for referring patients for treatment at his medical facility.Hayek was among dozens of doctors charged in two prior medical fraud investigations that led to the formation of the Commercial Bribery Task Force:
An investigation by the Division of Criminal Justice Financial & Computer Crimes Bureau that led to guilty pleas in 2016 from Dr. Manoj Patharkar and his associate Mohammed Shamshair on charges that they hid and laundered approximately $3.6 million in income from the doctor’s pain management clinics to evade taxes, and “Operation Rayscam,” an investigation by the Office of the Insurance Fraud Prosecutor that led to guilty pleas in May 2015 from Rehan Zuberi, his wife, and three other defendants in connection with commercial bribes that Zuberi paid to doctors in return for the referral of patients to his medical imaging centers.

In July 2016, Hayek pleaded guilty to two accusations. The first accusation, filed by the Division of Criminal Justice Financial & Computer Crimes Bureau, charged him with second-degree conspiracy, second-degree money laundering, six counts of commercial bribery, (four in the second degree, two in the third degree), and one count of third degree failure to pay taxes. The second accusation, filed by the Office of Insurance Fraud Prosecutor, charged him with one count of third-degree conspiracy. He is awaiting sentencing.

In pleading guilty to the accusation filed by the Division of Criminal Justice, Hayek admitted he accepted tens of thousands of dollars in kickbacks from Shamshair, Patharkar, Ramnanan, and others, in exchange for referring patients to them and their related medical facilities. He also admitted paying commercial bribes to attorneys in exchange for the referral of clients to his practice. In pleading guilty to the accusation filed by the Office of Insurance Fraud Prosecutor, Hayek admitted to receiving kickbacks in exchange for referring patients to diagnostic imaging facilities owned or controlled by Rehan Zuberi.

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Latest update from Toll Brothers site in Upper Saddle River : Mud is back in Pleasant Brook 

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May 21,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Upper Saddle River NJ, Latest update from Toll Brothers site tonight. According to immediate neighbor of Toll Brother they were pumping mud all day today (Sunday, May 20, 2018). After documented Thursday (May 17 mud discharge) Pleasant Brook was starting to clear up this morning but and now it’s FULL of MUD again at 9:30pm .

At this point we don’t care if Toll Brothers is discharging this mud intentionally or that they simply can’t cope with the amount of storm water gushing from 100 plus acres of soil which was contaminated with high level of arsenic and lead.
Allegedly the soil was tilled with huge bulldozers – tillers and now it’s considered “remediated”. However no soil was removed from the site just spread around. Now the question remains what happens with that arsenic and lead after 5 months of being discharged (intentionally or unintentionally) to Upper Saddle River aquafire? So far not one water test was produced by neither Toll Brothers, Boswell engineers or our famous building director James Dougherty. Police officers called to the scene advised me that they were advised not to touch anything which might came in contact with that water due to alleged arsenic and lead contamination. If it’s bad for police officers how on earth can it be safe for GreenUSR residents. Since GreenUSR members lost confidence in ability of our local government to handle this situation we will be asking feds for assistance. 

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Upper Saddle River Attorney Files Criminal Complaint against Developer Toll Brothers for Alleged Intentional Discharging Storm Water

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May 16,2018
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Upper Saddle River Nj, In the spirit of the below Toll Brothers settlement GreenUSR member accompanied by his lawyer Garth Molander, Esq. filed criminal complaint against Toll Brothers with the local prosecutor‘s office for alleged intentional discharging storm water into Pleasant Brook and dumping remediated arsenic and lead sediment into local waterways. Instead of following the above settlement agreement Toll Brothers recklessly dumped heavy mud for four consecutive months and didn’t take any precautions to protect our beloved GreenUSR environment.

“EPA estimates the settlement will prevent millions of pounds of sediment from entering U.S. waterways every year, including sediment that would otherwise enter the Chesapeake Bay, North America’s largest and most biologically diverse estuary. The bay and its tidal tributaries are threatened by pollution from a variety of sources and are overburdened with nitrogen, phosphorus and sediment that can be carried by stormwater.”
( ) ”

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Unprecedented Silt Pollution Runoff Near Apple Ridge Construction Site

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(pictures were taken yesterday April 17 and today April 18, 2018)

April 19,2018

Derek Michalski

Upper Saddle River  NJ, Three days in a row muddy waters of Pleasant Brook in Upper Saddle River and Westearly Branch Of Saddle River in the town of Saddle River continued filling various ponds between Mahwah, Upper and Saddle River with heavy mud. This topic dominated also for the third day local discussions about the potential impact of this unprecedented continuous silt/dust/mud pollution by Apple Ridge massive construction site.

The presence of heavy mud floating thorough Upper and Saddle River aquatic system in opinion of many is another piece of evidence of continuous (since December 2017) mud pollution from the site that was ordered by NJDEP to undergo remediation of arsenic and lead within the top soil rata. Consequently on January 13, 2018 Stop Work Order was issued on 100 plus acres of the so called by GreenUSR members “Arsenic Field”.

In the past the public was informed that the sediment within the stream channel was tested but nobody provided any info whether the test occurred before or after the rain. In the light of over 4 month long pollution period the author of this post publicly demands to test all three ponds within 5 mile radius of the contaminated site. Logically the tests should be done two days ago but today (April 18) the waters are still full of mud and who knows if arsenic and lead that is being the subject of remediation on the site is not present in the heavy mud imported from the site to our GreenUSR aquatic ecosystem.

If Upper and Saddle River residents want to preserve the beauty of this neighborhood and to STOP continually deteriorating values of our homes this call for action shouldn’t be ignored by our local leaders. It’s too late to stop the destruction of 1000 trees, it’s too late to stop the construction site but on the Eve of 48th Earth Day Celebration it’s not to late to test the muddy waters and to dispel the fear and suspicion in our GreenUSR communities. Please show us your leadership. Happy Earth Day GreenUSR! ?

Link to stop work order:

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N.Y. group sues to expand eruv in Upper Saddle River

Eruv Derek Michalski

Eruv photo by  Derek Michalski

Tom Nobile, Staff Writer, @TomNobile Published 6:25 p.m. ET Sept. 15, 2017 | Updated 12:24 p.m. ET Sept. 16, 2017

UPPER SADDLE RIVER — An Orthodox Jewish group that erected a controversial boundary known as an eruv is suing the borough to expand it farther, arguing doing so would accommodate Jewish families living near the New York-New Jersey border.

The amended federal suit, filed Thursday, claims the borough has unlawfully threatened the constitutional, civil, and contractual rights of the Bergen Rockland Eruv Association and five Orthodox Jewish residents of Rockland County by demanding the removal of the existing eruv and refusing to allow its expansion.

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Manhattan U.S. Attorney And FBI Assistant Director Announce Securities And Wire Fraud Charges Against Craig Carton of WFAN And Michael Wright of Upper Saddle River

Craig Carton of WFAN

September 7,2017
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

New York NY, Joon H. Kim, the Acting United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and William F. Sweeney Jr, the Assistant Director-in-Charge of the New York Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), announced today that CRAIG CARTON and MICHAEL WRIGHT were arrested this morning and charged with securities fraud, wire fraud, and conspiracy to commit those offenses.

As alleged, CARTON, WRIGHT, and another individual (“CC-1”) worked together to induce investors to provide them with millions of dollars, based on representations that the investor funds would be used to purchase blocks of tickets to concerts, which would then be re-sold on the secondary market. CARTON and CC-1 purportedly had access to those blocks of tickets based on agreements that CC-1 had with a company that promotes live music and entertainment events (the “Concert Promotion Company”) and that CARTON had with a company that operates two arenas in the New York metropolitan area (the “Sports and Entertainment Company”). In fact, neither the Concert Promotion Company nor the Sports and Entertainment Company had any such agreement with CARTON, WRIGHT, or CC-1, or any entity associated with them. After receiving the investor funds, CARTON, WRIGHT, and CC-1 misappropriated those funds, using them to, among other things, pay personal debts and repay prior investors as part of a Ponzi-like scheme.

CARTON and WRIGHT will be presented later today in Manhattan federal court.

Acting Manhattan U.S. Attorney Joon H. Kim said: “As alleged, Craig Carton and Michael Wright deceived investors and raised millions of dollars through misrepresentation and outright lies. Their schemes were allegedly propped up by phony contracts with two companies to purchase blocks of concert tickets, when in fact, Carton and Wright had no deals to purchase any tickets at all. As alleged, behind all the talk, the Wright and Carson show was just a sham, designed to fleece investors out of millions ultimately to be spent on payments to casinos and to pay off other personal debt.”

FBI Assistant Director-in-Charge William F. Sweeney Jr. said: “Carton and Wright thought they could get off easy by allegedly paying off their debts with other people’s money. They then attempted to pay off investors with money that would eventually become future debt, as alleged. We see this time and time again, the rise and fall of a Ponzi scheme destined for failure. The truth is, the time will come when your luck runs out. Unfortunately for those arrested today, that time is now.”

According to the Complaint unsealed today Manhattan federal court[1]:

In the fall of 2016, CARTON, WRIGHT, and CC-1 exchanged emails and text messages regarding their existing debts. On September 5, 2016, for example, WRIGHT emailed CARTON and CC-1, “for the sake of our conversation tomorrow,” and outlined “the debt past due and due next week.” WRIGHT listed several apparent creditors, to whom he, CC-1, and/or CARTON were personally indebted for over a million dollars. WRIGHT listed eight possible options for repaying the debt, including “Run to Costa Rica, change name, and start life all over again – may not be an option.” CARTON responded to WRIGHT and CC-1, stating “don’t forget I have $1m coming tomorrow from ticket investor[.] will need to be discussed how to handle.” On September 7, 2016, CARTON emailed WRIGHT and CC-1, referenced a potential investor (“Investor-1”) in an upcoming holiday concert tour, and suggested “borrow[ing] against projected profits” on that investment.

Later in the fall of 2016, CARTON began negotiating with a hedge fund (the “Hedge Fund”) regarding a transaction in which the Hedge Fund would extend CARTON capital to finance CARTON’s purchase of event tickets, which CARTON would then re-sell at a profit. In early December 2016, CC-1 texted CARTON and WRIGHT and discussed using the Hedge Fund’s capital “to repay debts,” and not for the purchase of tickets.

The next day, December 7, 2016, CARTON emailed the Hedge Fund five agreements between (i) CC-1 and a company controlled by CC-1 (the “CC-1 Entity”) and (ii) the Concert Promotion Company. In each of the purported agreements, the Concert Promotion Company agreed to sell the CC-1 Entity up $10 million worth of tickets to different concert tours. However, as alleged, these agreements were fraudulent and had not, in fact been entered into by the Concert Promotion Company.

The following day, the Hedge Fund and CARTON executed the revolving loan agreement (the “Revolving Loan Agreement”), under which the Hedge Fund agreed to provide CARTON with up to $10 million, for the purpose of funding investments in the purchase of tickets for events. The Revolving Loan Agreement provided, in sum and substance, that the proceeds of the loan would be used only to purchase tickets pursuant to agreements for the acquisition of tickets, including the agreements with the Concert Promotion Company and for limited business expenses. The Hedge Fund would receive a share of the profits from the resale of the tickets.

The Hedge Fund then sent $700,000 to the CC-1 Entity to finance the purchase of tickets pursuant to the agreements between the CC-1 Entity and the Concert Promotion Company. CC-1, however, then sent this money to a bank account controlled by WRIGHT, who then, on December 12, sent $200,000 to CARTON’s personal bank account (the “CARTON Bank Account”), which CARTON then wired to a casino. Also on December 12, WRIGHT sent another $500,000 to an individual who had previously lent CARTON $500,000, which was due to be repaid that day.

Later in December 2016, the Hedge Fund sent an additional $1.9 million to the CC-1 Entity, to finance the purchase of tickets pursuant to agreements between the CC-1 Entity and the Concert Promotion Company. Once again, the Concert Promotion Company had not entered into any such agreements. CC-1, WRIGHT, and CARTON engaged in text messages regarding the disposition of these funds. Some of the money was used by CC-1 to repay two individuals who had previously invested with CC-1 in a related scheme involving the purported investment in the resale of tickets, and by CARTON to pay casinos and to pay Investor-1 a purported return on an earlier investment in a ticket-related venture.

CARTON also induced the Hedge Fund to wire $2 million to the Sports and Entertainment Company, based purportedly on an agreement he had with the Sports and Entertainment Company (the “Sports and Entertainment Company Agreement”). The Sports and Entertainment Company Agreement purportedly gave an entity controlled by CARTON (the “CARTON Entity”) the right to purchase $2 million of tickets to concerts at one of the venues operated by the Sports and Entertainment Company. CARTON, among other things, sent the Hedge Fund a copy of the Sports and Entertainment Company Agreement that purportedly had been signed by the chief executive officer of the Sports and Entertainment Company. However, this agreement was fraudulent and had never been entered into by the Sports and Entertainment Company or signed by the chief executive officer.

On December 20, 2016, when the Hedge Fund wired the $2 million to the Sports and Entertainment Company, CARTON contacted the Sports and Entertainment Company and told them, in sum and substance, that the wire had been sent in error and should be sent to the bank account for an entity operated by CARTON and WRIGHT, for which WRIGHT is the signatory. After the money was rewired to that account, WRIGHT wired $966,000 to WRIGHT’s personal bank account and $700,000 to the CARTON Bank Account. CARTON then wired approximately $188,000 from the CARTON Bank Account, including at least $133,000 in wires to several casinos.

* * *

CARTON, 48, of New York, New York, and WRIGHT, 41, of Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, are each charged with one count of conspiracy to commit securities fraud and wire fraud, one count of wire fraud, and one count of securities fraud. The conspiracy count carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison and a maximum fine of $250,000, or twice the gross gain or loss from the offense. The securities fraud count carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison and a maximum fine of $5 million, or twice the gross gain or loss from the offense. The wire fraud count carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison and a maximum fine of $250,000 or twice the gross gain or loss from the offense. The maximum potential sentences in this case are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendants will be determined by the judge.

Mr. Kim praised the investigative work of the FBI and thanked the Boston Regional Office of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, which has filed civil charges against CARTON and CC-1 in a separate action. He added that the FBI’s investigation is ongoing.

This case is being handled by the Office’s Securities and Commodities Fraud Task Force. Assistant U.S. Attorneys Brendan F. Quigley and Elisha J. Kobre are in charge of the prosecution.

The allegations contained in the Complaint are merely accusations, and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

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Special Properties Real Estate Services Supports Restoration of Slave Cemetery in Upper Saddle River

Slave Cemetery in Upper Saddle River

Pictured (L-R) are Ferne Lambert, Special Properties Mahwah Office Manager; Daniel Hynes, a senior at Northern Highlands Regional High School; Alexandra Gregorek, Public Relations Manager; William Dator, Broker Associate; and Linda Dator, Realtor Associate.

November 8th 2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Upper Saddle River NJ, On October 30, 2016, team members from Special Properties Real Estate Services, LLC were among a gathering of donors, local leaders and members of the community who gathered at the rededication of the Hopper Slave Cemetery in Upper Saddle River. The restoration of the cemetery, made possible through individual and corporate donors, like Special Properties, was led by the Upper Saddle River Historical Society and Daniel Hynes, a local high school student who made the cemetery restoration his Eagle Scout project.

Special Properties Real Estate Services embraces the history and traditions of its flagship brokerage location in Saddle River, NJ, into an expanded, modern presence in Mahwah and Franklin Lakes, NJ. With a staff of accomplished real estate brokers, its clients across northern New Jersey and southern New York are provided with customized, personalized services, backed by the luxury real estate brand of Christie’s International Real Estate. Special Properties provides local expertise with global connections. For more information, call (201)962-9555.



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Contractor Airlifted to Hackensack University Medical Center after severed fingers

photo courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook

Contractor Airlifted to Hackensack University Medical Center after severed fingers

August 7,2015
the staff of the Ridgewood blogUpper Saddle River NJ, A contractor reportedly severed multiple fingers while using a power saw at a home in Upper Saddle River on Thursday afternoon, 08/06. He was airlifted from 1 Lake Street to Hackensack University Medical Center’s main campus shortly after 4 PM. Upper Saddle River PD, EMS, assisted in the victim’s treatment and transport. A paramedic unit from The Valley Hospital also responded.