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No Injuries Reported as Driver Hits Parked Car then Utility Pole in Glen Rock

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Glen Rock NJ, The driver of a Honda Pilot struck a parked 4-door sedan before crashing head on into a utility pole in the 500 block of Harristown Road, Glen Rock late Monday afternoon, 04/27. No injuries were reported by any of the Honda’s occupants, nor by the driver of the parked vehicle, who was sitting inside making a cell phone call at the time of impact. A flatbed tow truck removed the wrecked SUV from the roadway. The parked sedan was driven from the scene. Glen Rock Police responded to the incident and issued a written warning to the Pilot’s driver. Police at the scene did not reveal what the warning was for.

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5 thoughts on “No Injuries Reported as Driver Hits Parked Car then Utility Pole in Glen Rock

  1. God help us when things get back to normal and more cars are back on the road. I don’t know about this particular instance but it did make me think about how bad some driving is getting because people are taking for granted there are fewer cars and pedestrians about. Cars (not police or emergency vehicles) are tearing past my house at really high speeds, almost taken out twice crossing near Sook by drivers racing … to get exactly where? Someone texted them that wipes or TP was available?

    Shelter in place.
    Dr. Fauci said the death toll from car accidents is not flattening… in fact it is increasing.
    He aslo stated that there will definately be a second wave of car accidents.
    The is NO vaccine for car accidents.
    There is NO treatment or cure for car accidents.

    Please… ban all cars and stay at home…. if it can save JUST ONE LIFE it will be worth it.

  3. 25 mph speed limit.
    Roads empty.
    Driver ploughs into a tree.
    How is that possible?

  4. Not paying attention

  5. “25 mph speed limit.
    Roads empty.
    Driver ploughs into a tree.
    How is that possible?”

    Because the 25mph speed limit is NOT about safety… it is about power and control.
    (and it doesn’t work).

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