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Oradell Animal Hospital Seeks Owner of Injured Dachshund Mix After Route 4 Accident

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hackensack NJ, a female dog was brought to Oradell Animal Hospital on Sunday by a good Samaritan after being hit by a vehicle on Route 4 in Hackensack. While the hospital is caring for her, they are now actively searching for her owner.

“This pretty lady was hit by a car on Route 4 in Hackensack,” the hospital shared on social media. “Unfortunately, she doesn’t have a microchip, and we have no information on her owner.”

As of Tuesday, the dog, identified as a Dachshund mix, is still missing her family. Sydney Broadbent, a representative from the hospital, explained that the dog had no collar or microchip to help track down her owner.

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“She was brought in and had no microchip and no collar or harness to identify where she came from,” Broadbent shared. “Hopefully, we find her owner soon! Otherwise, we’ll work to pass her onto an agency for adoption.”

Despite sustaining nine broken ribs, the resilient pup is on the road to recovery.

If you recognize the dog or have any information, please contact Oradell Animal Hospital at 201-262-0010 or send them a message on Instagram.


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