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Outdoor Dining Corrals and Pedestrian Plazas are Back for Ridgewood’s Central Business District

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file photo by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood ‘s new Mayor Paul Vagianos immediately acted with the council’s support to reintroduce outdoor dining corrals and pedestrian plazas to the central business district. While the details are still a bit fuzzy the outdoor dining corrals and weekend plazas that closed part of Ridgewood Avenue will resume in May through September with the idea of extending the plaza’s through Friday.


Many merchants had voiced concerns that the pedestrian plaza’s would further the limit the ability of customers to do quick pickup sand drop offs. The situation has been compounded in recent years by the ill planed street valet service , and the bike lane to “nowhere” , which added to the already high level of congestion ,making it even more difficult to get in and out of the central business district . High parking fees, and ticket happy enforcement  as well as delivery trucks blocking and taking up spaces have also taken heat for hurting business in the downtown area.

With the new regime in Village Hall Ridgewood residents have an opportunity to step up and support local business with more than just lip service. 



27 thoughts on “Outdoor Dining Corrals and Pedestrian Plazas are Back for Ridgewood’s Central Business District

  1. Great idea. Knudsen lost the election because she opposed it; stupid on her part.

    1. expect to see you in the CBD

    2. If you say so Mr. Mayor

  2. Screw local; merchants make Paul restaurant owner happy.

  3. He owns a restaurant. Conflict of interest.

  4. What merchants have actually voiced concerns? Other than the tobacco guy?

    1. if you were ever in the CBD you would know

    2. Paula at Glamor Beauty used to tell me how shutting Ridgewood Ave for special events (car show) killed her Friday night receipts. Friday afternoon /Saturday sales were hugely important to her survival. I cannot imagine a pedestrian mall servicing mostly restaurant patrons would have helped her.

    3. The ones that fall outside the perimeter, others on franklin ave those and on the west side of tracks.

  5. The new mayor is a selfish piece of shit. It’s all about his pocket. Ridgewood is going down. The new council will ruin Ridgewood.
    Paul we hate you. HATE!

    1. Keeping it classy

      1. Truth hurts.

  6. We have let the fox in the hen house.

  7. Great news!

  8. The fact that the people sitting up there now are so selfish and stupid that Paul was even allowed to discuss this shows the direction we are headed in. Doomed doesn’t even start to addres it.

    1. I hope that all of the sore losers on this sore loser blog NEVER visit the CBD Mall.

      I wouldn’t want you to possibly enjoy yourselves for fear your heads may explode LOL.

      Come out of hiding !

      1. put you money where your mouth is, btw there is no Walmart in the CBD,Ridgewood was very bust to today

  9. The New Council has an agenda, it’s not a good one!!

  10. What we do know is that the mayor & council want mustache boy To take a walk.

  11. Let’s not waste five minutes in demonstrating that we will barrel ahead in our own personal be$t intere$t with zero comprehension of what “conflict of intere$t” means.

    New mayor should be involved in NO DECISIONS related to downtown and should not have been elected.

    Unwillingness to recuse himself strongly reminiscent of Gwenn Hauck’s behavior regarding Valley Hospital decisions.

  12. The outdoor seating corrals have a nice third-world vibe.

  13. That’s great news regarding having the outside dining, we talked about this 20 years ago to have something like this. But they’re going to have to hire some kind of pest control Company for the CBD. And definitely have the sweeper sweep Saturday a.m. throughout the CBD. Just because there’s too much litter.

    1. Maybe instead of a pest control company, stray cats could be relocated to the CBD to eat the rats that are attracted to crumbs and dropped food scraps?

  14. Why are certain comments not being posted?

  15. What is going to be great news is anyone can go and eat and talk to the mayor at any time. No need to call village hall, or go into that building. And no one can stop you. And no body will screen you , private talking. It’s great for freedom of speech. Certain individuals from village hall might not like it .too damn bad.

  16. I heard that Elon Musk was taking this Blog over.
    Looking forward to seeing less censorship

  17. I am in the CBD all the time and I think the pedestrian mall is a great idea and increases foot traffic. We should eliminate the street parking meters like Glen Rock , Allendale

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