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Paterson NJ 4th Ward Cleanup !

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paterson NJ, This Sunday September 27th, 2020 from 10am – 4pm join us as we cleanup the 4th ward of Paterson. We’ll meet up at Wrigley Park on Rosa Parks Blvd and begin working on the surrounding area.

Editors note: This is an excellent opportunity for groups like , “Ridgewood for Black Liberation”  to do something productive with their time, you can even bring your moms.

This is something that I wanted to do for a very long time and im so thankful to have the help of American Cleanup NJ Women For Trump & Darius Mayfield for helping me make this into a reality.
The 4th ward of Paterson has a tremendous amount of potential. Despite the history of drugs and violence, slowly but surely we can make the 4th ward better, and it is getting better. I want us to take pride in our city and our district! We have the potential to make it a much better place. And we can together!
We’ve also got a special guest who is expected to drop by. She’s been doing a lot of great work in her home state. Republican congressional candidate for the 7th district of Maryland Kimberly Klacik! She’s in a very similar race back in Baltimore. We will both be fighting hard for our districts when we get to Washington!
I look forward to seeing you there! For more information sign up here at:

If you have any questions please contact



8 thoughts on “Paterson NJ 4th Ward Cleanup !

  1. Like spitting in the wind….

  2. This should be a great event. I work in the 4th Ward regularly and it has vastly improved, even in the past 12-months. Sadly, the Ridgewood kids don’t travel any further south than Duffy’s.

  3. It would be nice to have something like this on a continuing basis. Too bad the Ridgewood group won’t go anywhere without a Starbucks within 50 yards.

  4. Should we go there and break windows and burn down businesses?

  5. Do you know what needs to be cleaned up in Ridgewood right behind Starbucks. Take a look at the alleyway. Take a look at all the window wells, look down look at all the garbage. Filthy. I can’t believe the health inspector doesn’t expect that. Unless they inspected in the dark.

  6. They paved it

  7. NEed to pave Dayton st by my Church

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