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Pedestrian Struck by Motor Vehicle in Ridgewood Transported to Valley Hospital


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood Police report that on June 12, 2020, patrol units responded to the intersection of East Ridgewood Avenue and Cottage Place on a report of a pedestrian struck by motor vehicle in the roadway. Upon arrival, the pedestrian was conscious and alert and reported to have been walking in the crosswalk when she was struck by the vehicle. The Ridgewood Ambulance responded to the scene and transported the pedestrian to the Valley Hospital for treatment. Upon further investigation at the scene, the driver of the vehicle was issued a motor vehicle summons for Failure to Yield to a Pedestrian and provided a future court date.

4 thoughts on “Pedestrian Struck by Motor Vehicle in Ridgewood Transported to Valley Hospital

  1. I am witnessing near-misses between pedestrians and cars all the time now in Ridgewood.
    On the E Ridgewood Ave crossings, the crossings at Linwood Ave and Northern pkway, drivers just plough on through despite having clearly seen pedestrians.
    The other issue is speeding. People are clearly exceeding the speed limits everywhere, and it isn’t the kids.
    With the exception of Van Neste and E Ridgewood, the Ridgewood PD are nowhere to be seen in terms of traffic enforcement since the lockdown started.
    They have a chief and three Lieutenants. Where is the leadership and since when did public safety not included traffic in Ridgewood?
    I have great respect for the police, and support them. However, when drivers are acting so dangerously, I question who is supervising the shifts.
    Of course, the town could pay for flashing pedestrian right if way signs, but clearly they’re more in other, more minor things. I suppose we’ll have to wait until someone is killed.

  2. High Risk crossings should be marked with a view to influence extra pedestrian diligence esp in dark winter afternoons or nights

  3. Get out of the Blackened Window
    Police Suvs

    Starbucks drive through back ups
    and bogus left turns are not policing
    the village adequately .

  4. Yeah ! Get out of the a c ,

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