photo courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook
Pedestrian was struck and seriously injured on Thursday morning in Ridgewood
August 13,2015
the staff of the Ridgewood blogRidgewood NJ, An adult female pedestrian was struck and seriously injured on Thursday morning, 08/13, while she was walking through a municipal parking lot in Ridgewood. The incident occurred at approximately 11:20 AM in the Cottage Place parking lot off of East Ridgewood Avenue.
Ridgewood police, fire and EMS personnel responded to assist the victim, who was transported by ambulance to The Valley Hospital. The driver of the vehicle that struck the victim was backing out of a parking space at the time of impact. No summonses were issued by police at the scene.
Why do people constantly walk behind a car that is either backing or has its’ back up lights on? We were taught not to do that as children but people just walk behind your car and sometimes you cannot see them. Maybe we could have some pedestrian training?
so true what about when they just walk right into the road with out looking.
At the Y this morning we saw two very close calls. A father picking up,his child almost hit someone in the parking lot while, I might add, he was parking in a handicapped spot (God forbid he should,park in a non handicap spot and walk a few steps). Then, after he got,his kid into the car he backed up without looks and almost hit someone else. ,it was very frightening..
Just remember that everybody is very important. Don’t get in their way; the consequences are severe.
Was driver at “Y” impaired? Sleep deprived?
Sounds like driver at the “Y” was only concerned about him or herself.
Probably texting
You have to have your head on a swivel in the Muni lot….I park over by the bridge and walk to the library.
walker need to stop just walking right into the road.