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Reader Claims she was Bitten By A Dog leaving Saddle River Park by the Glen Rock Duck pond


file photo by William Thomas

I was bitten on Oct 21 as I was leaving saddle river park by the Glen Rock Duck pond. A woman, with her Wheaton terrier were passing me on the bridge to the cu de sac and the dog lunged at me and took a chunk out of my arm. The woman initially volunteered to help, but then changed her mind and fled. Now if I don’t locate the dog and th owner I will have to undergo Rabies shots. Woman is in her thirties, slim with long brown hair and Eastern European accent..

5 thoughts on “Reader Claims she was Bitten By A Dog leaving Saddle River Park by the Glen Rock Duck pond

  1. Hey, its happened to me too. I walk on sidewalk on Meadwobrook and people’s dogs on leash lung toward me and the owners don’ t care People are getting out their anger with their dogs. Likeing it when their dogs try to attack walkers.

    I wrote about this problem last year on this blog as a comment to a posting

    Apparently, according a someone who responded to my comment, you can buy mace or something from a sporting goods store for protection. I haven’t done it yet, but it is coming to that.

    A trained dog will not lunge at walkers. I know because I walk a family members dog regularly here in town, again along Meadowbrook. It is very easy to train a dog not to lunge at people. I also grew up with a dog.

    Also , just last week , a few days ago, I walked Dunham Trail by myself, never did it before, but since it was Octoberwalkfest , or something, I did it. A woman came from the opposite direction from the Grove entrance with TWO UNLEASHED DOGS. The dogs ran toward me and stopped dead in their tracks , daring me to advance. on the path. I was terrifiedand got off the path. The woman continued to walk her dogs, she did not call them back or apologize. I told her she isnt supposed to walk dogs unleashed in the park , She ignored me. I am an elderly woman, old, look old, walk old, you get it.

    Also I walked Pleasant Park for the first time this past Saturday. A man with a huge dog was walking it on a leash. I got out of the way, climbing over piles of brush and fallen logs.

    Hey, I love dogs. I grew up with one, a collie dog that looked like Lassie, my love and joy throughout my childhood. But people do not train their dogs not to attack people. And it’s done on purpose.

    This is not really a nice community. Keep braggin folks.

    The residents WANT THEIR DOGS to SCARE and perhaps BITE people.

  2. “a chunk” ?

  3. I hate dogs.

  4. You’re lucky it wasn’t the coyotes I’ve seen in the park…

  5. Did this dog’s owner authorize your use of it’s photo? Be careful because Fordham Law grad with a loud mouth and a nifty smart phone may threaten to sue you.

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