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Reader says A true Financial Advisory Committee with only members who have real financial backgrounds would have been a big help in the past

Michael Milken

A true Financial Advisory Committee with only members who have real financial backgrounds would have been a big help in the past. They would,hopefully, have been able to predict the absolute boondoggle that the Health Barn has become and prevented that massive give-a-way from happening. They might have also had the forethought and financial ability to show the Council that just because it is old, it is not historic, and prevented the preservation of the piece of junk that is called the Schedler house. Unfortunately it became a private kitty for its’ members desires and not for the good of the Village. Accepting the help of the resident who volunteered could be a good start, along with others of similar mindset. Our council members individually are each great in what they offer–but there is an extreme lack of a well rounded body of people. A true FAC should certainly help.

13 thoughts on “Reader says A true Financial Advisory Committee with only members who have real financial backgrounds would have been a big help in the past

  1. Amen! What a concept let’s do it!

  2. Real financial backgrounds. What garbage, as Nassim N. Taleb has instructed, author of The Black Swan. Real financial backgrounds caused the crash of 2008.

    Look, it’s all about what you value. Some council members and residents value going whole hog spending it all on a big garage on Hudson, never mind the cost and taxes, They will convince themselves that the cost to taxpayers will be small, because they want to be reelected and they want as many supporters as possible; they figure more residents want a garage. Some residents want a ball field and golden bathrooms and big parking spaces for huge SUVs and a playground at Schedler, and are willing to pay over time over many years, causing taxpayers to be on the hook big time forever, considering maintenance. Other residents want Schedler left alone, to save whatever nature exists there. Some council people and residents want the Health barn place ; others don’t. Leaving Schedler alone except for a few trails will hardly cost a dime, but the council doesn’t care because sports people seem to be the majority in town and therefore ensure the most reelection votes for the council.

    The council will never be persuaded not to build a garage; etc. those are their values. They will choose financial people who reflect their values, or ignore those people. Do you honestly think a financial committee is going to tell the council not to build a garage.
    Not to build on Schedler and your dreaming if you think they would have said skip the Health barn. Certain things are trendy at certain times and that’s it. Whether right or wrong. Heatlh is trendy now. Hey, when I was younger you would be laughed right out of the room if you spouted so called present day Health Barn values that were considered health nut values at the time. Yes, there was a time when processed foods was considered the greatest thing along with white bread, because they were convenient and tasted yummy. Greens at the table were peas and carrots and string beans. You you asked for broccoli and brown bread you were a health nut, or if you wanted to grow your own veggies. So there.

    1. nice try , “Real financial backgrounds caused the crash of 2008.” politics ,and cronyism cause the 2008 collapse , just like with the FAC in Ridgewood

  3. James, your comment above (politics ,and cronyism cause the 2008 collapse) demonstrates you have no idea what happened in the years leading up to 2008 to cause the crash.

    1. the financially illiterate are commenting in mass

  4. But what about the Health Barn ?

  5. Bipartisan representation is required to perform due dillegence, outline the pros and cons, so that fair recommendations can offered, and informed decisions made. We need to look towards a New Ridgewood

  6. @12:45 it’s still there reeping the benefits of a public park and our tax dollars. It will be hosting a restaurant style dinner and yoga class Wednesday night for $$$$$$ a Head!!! Sounds like that is helping the community of Ridgewood and poor under nourished children. NOT!!!! I mean we don’t have enough yoga studios and restaurants in town. Biggest scam and farce EVER!!!!!!!!!

  7. The FAC is dead, keep it that way. No offense, but financial experience in the private sector does not equate at all to experience in the public sector. They are very different animals and the previous FAC was completely clueless on village operations and department function in hopes of saving pennies. Yet overlooked major holes such as the parking authority, human resources (remember that mess) and a manager who was living in candyland. We elect council members to oversee the operation, if they are doing their job there is no need for a FAC.

    And lets be honest with each other, the zoo that needs a cleaning is on Cottage Place. If the FAC has no authority to give opinion on that money pit, then whats the point. Pennies saved on property taxes isnt worth the insane opinion of so called experts. Been There…. Done That.

  8. We live in a representative form of government country. The representatives should be making the decisions. If we don’t like the decisions we can express our displeasure at the ballot box. Committees and study groups are usually a cop out for representatives not doing their jobs. Oh, I almost forgot, am I supposed to say something negative about the health barn?

  9. Stealth Barn

  10. 11:12… I don’t think the call is for finance jockeys who write swaps or cdo’s. It wouldn’t hurt to have some residents with cpa’s, forensic accounting or audit backgrounds in a committee like function to eyeball things occasionally or on a per request or cyclical basis.

  11. Hellbarn

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