file photo by Boyd Loving
Curious- the Community Relations Advisory Board of Ridgewood and Glen Rock is harassing the hell out the Ridgewood Village Council/Mayor in requesting the pride flag be flown at our Town Hall. Are they requesting the same from Glen Rock Council/Mayor? What say you Jeff Voigt? Pretty sure this smells of town politics especially when you consider Jeff Voigt is best friends w Hans Lehman who is married to Jan Phillips, Chair of CRAB. Disgusting. They say this isn’t political but it is. CRAB is politicizing this. All roads lead to Aronson-also a member of CRAB.
What complete, utter BS. He’s a sitting Council member, and you’re ignoring his right to his own opinion and free speech. If he wants to send a letter to the editor it’s his right as an American citizen and as a Council member. Just because Sue Knudsen felt the need to file an OPRA request to see his e-mail doesn’t mean he did anything wrong. Doesn’t she have a Facebook page that looks like it’s an official Village sponsored page, but is in fact her personal page? You don’t see anything wrong with that?
no not at all
Well then James, you’re just a lackey to the Mayor and her vocal minority of supporters who actually voted last Village election. They’re screwing Ridgewood taxpayers with an unnecessary 2% municipal tax increase for no clear reason, and adding huge costs through a massive increase in municipal debt, that will become apparent as interest rates rise and higher principal and interest payments further limit the budget flexibility of the Village. I have nothing to do with any of the last Council or developers, but what’s going on now is just as unconscionable. It’s a shame that you and your bloggers turn a blind eye to it. Do you pay property taxes in Ridgewood?
Susan won by a landslide , maybe its time for you and your friends to move back to Hudson County ?
“what’s going on now is just as unconscionable. It’s a shame that you and your bloggers turn a blind eye to it”
Have I missed something? What’s happening? Should I be stocking the safe room?
VOIGHT you are a complete disappointment. It doesn’t matter what your views are. Independently, you’ve demonstrated you are malicious, two-faced, vindictive, hot headed, sore loser, bully with a colossal ego. Spreading fake news, leaking info to the media and lying about it… is as low as it gets (even for you).
I’m not from Hudson County, and she won because most residents don’t vote in municipal elections and ignore what is happening at Village hall. If only the majority of residents understood what’s going on or actually cared about the Village’s finances, they would be horrified. The fact that you are not horrified suggests something nefarious to me, not good.
Hey James, don’t you think it’s psychotic that our Mayor filed an OPRA request to check the e-mails of a sitting council member and colleague? All letters to the editor I’ve ever submitted were by e-mail, so an email in this case isn’t exactly a smoking gun, sorry.
more scams.
Voight repeatedly shows he’s bully and an ass. The way he treated council members the mayor, attorney and now the village manager. god knows who else. When will his madness end. Guess being at the meeting was worse then watching the YouTube video. to bad the cameras don’t show the everyone.
10:05 Clearly you don’t how voting works. Knudsen won by a landslide. The point is indisputable. Its all recorded. Feel free to look it up.
Jeff Voigt is busy posting on the blog to try and undo damage that he brought on himself. Global warming is due in large part to that hothead.
Voigt is a terrrible disappointment. As one who had a coffee for him at my house and I donated $$ to his campaign, I really thought he was the real deal, honest, forthright, and independent. Was I ever wrong. He has a terrible temper, which he cannot even control on the dais. Aronsohn was able to keep his temper under control in public but would go wild in private. Hauck and Pucciarelli, like Voigt, would go off in public whenever the felt wronged. A temper is not a character flaw, but it becomes one when a public official interrupts meetings with his tantrums and then goes after the ever-pleasant Heather Mailander. Moving on from his temper, we have his vindictiveness. For reasons that I do not understand, Voigt despises our mayor. I mean he hates her guts. For a period of time he refused to call her Mayor Knudsen, such a grown-up that he is (not). This level of animosity is not helpful to anyone in town. Then you have his dishonesty and underhandedness. He lied at the meeting on Wednesday, as plain as day, said he never saw an email from susan and then got pissed off when it was revealed that he forwarded it to the editor of the newspaper. Someone said he is entitled to write a letter, and I for sure agree with this. But his letter contained a major error about whether the flag could fly on any town property, when it was clearly stated by Mr. Rogers that it could fly in Van Neste. And then there is his out and out stupidity. thinking that he could write all sorts of slanderous things on company email and keep them private. DUH. And instead of being mad at himself for doing this, he gets mad at Susan and Heather for revealing them and then starts blaming everyone in sight.
the village is turing into the city.old people are moving out.
Ramon, Bernie and Jeff won because we WERE concerned about what was going on at Village Hall. We resoundingly voted for change. Too bad Jeff isn’t shaping up to be the man we expected. Aronsohn and cronies were selling out the village we love to the highest bidder. The current council is still trying to undue the damage, but it is already too late for some of it. We also said no to the garage and that is somehow back in play again.
9.45AM. What happened? Back in last year’s elections Voight was being touted as the best thing that could happen to Rwg. In the eyes of many fools like myself he was some kind of a Messiah. He turned out to be anything but. Did you know him back then? How come nobody warned us? I want my money back.
8:18, if you aren’t Aronsohn or Aronsohn based, I’d be very surprised. Municipal tax is as low as they could make it. Everybody forgets that our real money is poured into the school system with its bizarrely bloated budget (BBB at the BOE–can I sell the T-shirts?).
CRAB should be disbanded IMMEDIATELY (as should the horrific Financial Advisory Committee). Both, like other groups, are entirely controlled by Aronsohn. He came to town not all that long ago and saw us as a big sitting duck. He has been carving us up ever since. Could not do it without the help of a tremendous number of misinformed, misguided sycophants.
What a mean-spirited bunch of losers. The current council is doing a fine job despite endless harassment, including from within.