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Reader says Responding to complaints with accusations of bias is deeply offensive and demonstrates that the speaker has no better argument

3 amigos

Not everybody who complains about something is a racist, anti-disabled (whatever that means), etc. That is pure hogwash but unfortunately, becoming fairly common–too common to be true. The claim that residents who fought the new apartments are prejudiced, for example, is similarly flawed. It’s the number of new people, not who they are, that’s the problem. In fact, we don’t know who they will be. But we hate them anyway–even if they are white and able bodied and all went to Harvard!
Responding to complaints with accusations of bias is deeply offensive and demonstrates that the speaker has no better argument. In fact, most people would rather do anything than get embroiled in these things. They don’t speak out until the problem has become untenable. Then they’re accused of awful intentions. It’s a ploy used by bullies to silence their opponents and prevent others from joining them. Won’t work.

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Reader says CRAB has long outlived its usefulness and veered off into personal politics

aronsohn and jan phillips

CRAB has long outlived its usefulness and veered off into personal politics. This is hardly a group to objectively advise the council. Sometimes a group’s having been in existence for a long time is a reason to end it, not continue it blindly. There is no good reason now for Ridgewood and Glen Rock to be united in this one way and only this way. It’s dumb.

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Councilmen Jeff Voigt defends the CRAB


January 11,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, in the what many residents describe as the ultimate irony Councilmen Jeff Voigt when to the defense of the CRAB or Community Relations Advisory Board in a letter to the editor .In Defending CRAB meetings in Ridgewood ( ) Councilmen Jeff Voigt attempted to lend his support to an organization and its leader that is not without controversy .

While I am not going to argue the merits of the organization , Voigt went on to complement its leader Jan Phillips , saying “Jan Philips has done over the years in making CRAB inclusive; as a vehicle for educating residents; and in pushing forward issues that make us consider what is right and wrong in how we treat others. We need more “Jans” in Ridgewood “., yea mean like calling residents “grandstanders ” in a Village Council meeting or dismissing Mayor Susan Knudsen by telling people Paul Aronsohn still runs this town? No we defiantly don’t need more “Jans” and of coarse attempting to bully the mayor and the Village council over the “gay pride” flag.

Voigt wasted no time going to the time honored track of attacking “anonymous posters” on the Ridgewood blog . Perhaps if he read posts more carefully and he would see that most of the “nasty” comments are from his and Paul Aronsohn’s supporters, and former members of the FAC . While I am not going to rattle off names at this time , a quick peek at some comments and they read surprisingly similar to things said on several Facebook group pages and of coarse said at Village Council meetings . I also seem to remember several incidents where the councilmen himself used some “nasty comments” , toward several residents ,several council members and the current mayor.

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Reader says Jan Phillips, Chair of the Community Relations Advisory Board should be stripped of her title and removed from the Board immediately.

gay flag ridgewood

Jan Phillips, Chair of the Community Relations Advisory Board you should know better. You should be stripped of your title and removed from the Board immediately. How do you hold such a position and undermine a legal process that defended a public that was violated? The complaint was substantiated, evidence reviewed and they were found guilty. Instead You should work towards improving community relations without prejudice. Have you reached out to the public they violated? What about an open forum, at your next meeting, to hear true resident input?

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Reader says The facts support the claim CRAB did target Ridgewood for “disruption”

village Council

The facts support the claim CRAB did target Ridgewood for “disruption”:
CRAB’s own meeting minutes going back to February of 2017 reflect the plan to ask the village to fly the flag in a public space, not over village hall.

CRAB then deviated from that to ask the village to fly the flag at village hall, a request they did not make of Glen Rock.
The village, rightly, raised concerns about flying the flag at village hall.

CRAB’s Jan Phillips, Janice Willet, and their supporters, including Voigt, then used that concern to label the mayor and deputy mayor as intolerant bigots. OPRA requests reveal Voigt ignoring and lying about an email on 5/4 from the mayor about flying the flag at Van Neste.

Facebook posts from Jan Phillips show she and her supporters knowingly took the mayor’s comments about flying the flag at village hall out of context in an effort to smear her. When called out that they had done so, they did not apologize or retract.

While the mayor and deputy mayor are clumsy communicators who have been their own worst enemy more times than not, they have been the target of Aronsohn and his library/garage/high-density crowd on this matter.

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Reader reminds us when residents who spoke their mind were accused of GRANDSTANDING

village council meeting

I will never forget Jan Phillips at the town meeting when she accused those who were speaking from their hearts against having that Godzilla garage built as GRANDSTANDING. I was one of those people. Not at that particular occasion, but several other town meetings. Residents standing for hours on busy weekday nights, for the opportunity to express themselves about what kind of future they want for the town they love. Our town, Ridgewood,

I attended a few of the civility meetings and felt that she kow towed to former Mayor Aronshon, excessively agreeing with everything he said.

I do not believe , from what I observed, that she is sufficiently objective to be the leader of a the Community Advisory Board, she is not sensitive enough to diverse opinions. In my opinion.

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Reader says This appears to be more of an attempt to ‘plant a flag’ and rub it in everyone’s face, rather than support for tolerance or anything.”

gay flag ridgewood

One reader sums it up perfectly , “There are many like me who do not really care about what people do in their bedrooms. Someone getting gay-married does nothing to my marriage so I couldn’t care less. We work with gay coworkers, have gay friends and really do not give any more thought to someone being gay than we do to someone being straight.

However, I only want the American flag flying on the Village Hall – not a rainbow flag, not a vegan flag, not a muslim flag, not a Black Lives Matter flag, and a Lenape flag and not the Confederate flag.

But it appears that if I as much as mention the same, I am going to be harassed and bullied for being a ‘bigot.’ How I lead my life, how I interact with people, how I do not discriminate at all between someone gay and someone straight in my real life does not matter. I am either screaming out my support for flying the rainbow flag or I am a bigot. I am suddenly no different from the people tossing gays off buildings.

This is nothing by extremism. And it is detrimental to the movement itself. Harassing and publicly bullying people may shut them down but the feelings of resentment will not disappear. This appears to be more of an attempt to ‘plant a flag’ and rub it in everyone’s face, rather than support for tolerance or anything.”

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Reader says All roads lead to Aronsohn Controled CRAB

Jeff Voigt Ridgewood Council

file photo by Boyd Loving

Curious- the Community Relations Advisory Board of Ridgewood and Glen Rock is harassing the hell out the Ridgewood Village Council/Mayor in requesting the pride flag be flown at our Town Hall. Are they requesting the same from Glen Rock Council/Mayor? What say you Jeff Voigt? Pretty sure this smells of town politics especially when you consider Jeff Voigt is best friends w Hans Lehman who is married to Jan Phillips, Chair of CRAB. Disgusting. They say this isn’t political but it is. CRAB is politicizing this. All roads lead to Aronson-also a member of CRAB.