I highly doubt the BOE is looking to the blog for guidance. HOWEVER, this blog has been pretty on the money as it relates to Ridgewood sentiment having predicted recent council elections and referendum votes correctly. Perhaps the BOE SHOULD be reading here? Furthermore, if you look at the Ridgewood Moms and DADs facebook page, most posts about the REA are met with silence. Why do you think that is? Lastly, the losing council candidates had probably 10x as many visible signs as the support the Ridgewood teachers sign. What does THAT tell you?
I’m pretty sure I can explain the FB silence. If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say it! Most of us know that some of the teachers can be vindictive towards their students. They know they can’t be touched due to tenure. I would really like to see this contract issue result in many of them leaving. I personally know several young, enthusiastic and caring teachers who would love to work in our district. Could you imagine what would happen if anyone in the private sector walked around their employers’ buildings wearing read shirts and holding signs? They really need to get a grip on the reality of the economy, be grateful for what they have been offered and start being better role models or leave. Yep, do it fer da kids!.
Yep, this blog has been a good reflector–and incubator–of public sentiment. Keep up the good work, PJ.
I think the silence and lack of open support for the REA speaks volumes. Many of us fear retaliation so will not openly support the BOE.
Ha Ha Ha….Ho Ho Ho…..that’s a good one 9:27 AM you should go on the comedy circuit.