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Reader says ,”Many for YEARS !! repeatedly posted real honest concerns as to the direction that the towns elected officers were taking us”

3 amigos in action Ridgewood NJ

file photo by Boyd Loving

Many for YEARS !! repeatedly posted real honest concerns as to the direction that the towns elected officers were taking us.

We have arrived at a that poor place ..just look up and down to the shoddy roadways and it is looking like
RIDGEWOOD As we knew it -and invested in the form of time ,efforts & cost to maintain nice homes and paying high : school & local /state taxes -is well on its way to another cheesy mess of a poorly run town.Roads are also a disgrace,

Time to get out..sadly..Last one please kick the last can of
regrets over onto VOR CITY HALL/ship of fools .

unlikely anyone there gives a damm about anything.

6 thoughts on “Reader says ,”Many for YEARS !! repeatedly posted real honest concerns as to the direction that the towns elected officers were taking us”

  1. 7 votes….no one to blame but ourselves.

    Fortunately James has since filled in the gap by alerting us to the ne-er do wells that have tried to run for office and have since lost…

    Won’t get fooled again.

  2. Maybe we won’t get fooled again, but “again” is irrelevant now. The damage done to Ridgewood is irreparable.

  3. Well well, what can we say,
    Trump in 2020

  4. There’s a dirty crew, these people were amazing professional bullshit artist. And all of the management. At the time were in their pocket.

  5. Who is running for council this year?

  6. Who cares

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