I have an observation that people around here are taking out their anger and aggression with their pet dogs.
I have been accosted by dogs on their leash on side walk!! when taking walks. The dogs will attempt to run up to me and jump on me. The owners are sloooow to pull dog away, physically or verbally.
Just last Sunday a man let his huge dog jump on me on Meadowbrook. I think this should be against the law and justifiable reason to call the police. I have never walked with cell phone before, as I only walk a few blocks, near my house, but for now on I will never leave house without my cell phone.
Please don’t say I don’t like dogs; I love love love dogs; I regularly dog sit a family dog from out of state, when it comes to Ridgewood, very well behaved dog; and I grew up with a dog.
Dog owners around here ARE NOT training their dogs not jump on people. And it is sooooo easy to do. They are not training dogs because they HATE PEOPLE and its aggression. They say, hey, it’s not me; it’s my dog. But it is you, because it is sooooo very easy to train a dog not to jump on a stranger, or run up to a stranger. And you guys aren’t you the smartest as well as the richest. You know better than me. Any dog that touches me or comes within one inch of me is going to get that police call, dog owner.
I wrote the above, and wish to add, for you smarties, that IF A DOG is really vicious and untrainable it does not belong in public, and that is reason for victim to call police. And yes, victim can sue.
Guard dogs are dogs TRAINED NOT TO ACCOST STRANGERS when they are being walked on a leash.
After the dog jumped on me Sunday on Meadowbrook, my first instinct, reaction, was to look up on Internet how to procure pepper spray. I decided not to go that route because I don’t think that would be legal in N.J. BUT, insecticide, moth and hornet spray was recommended for protection. I won’t go that route NOW. I will walk with cell phone and call police if accosted by dog.
Wow, his conclusion that some dogs jump is because the owners hate people is quite the leap of reason.
At any rate, I will be sure to always bring my dog when I walk so that people like the poster will stay away. I usually wind up talking to a lot of people on my walk. but having my dog will keep the angry Mr Manners away. I never thought of it as a way to sort people.
Young dogs almost always “try” to jump but I have only once been jumped on in 17 years of walking in Ridgewood. And that owner was trying to prevent it. I do agree that dogs must be trained not to jump, but accidents happen. However, if it is a regular occurrence it is lack of training and the owners should be officially warned. If it happened to an elderly person, or a young child, there could be serious consequences.
most dog owners don’t want to invest the time or money to train their dogs which is understandable. Just don’t bring them to public places and everyone will be happy. Also why would anyone bring their dog on the field for the fireworks when they know the dog barks the entire time. I guess they don’t care about their fellow Ridgewood neighbors
8:54 a.m. I am the original poster, and an elderly women. It almost knocked me down, it was a HUGE dog. People here don’t have manners and use their dogs to take out agression. Me and many many family members have dogs and have had dogs. and always train them at home before taking them out and are careful to keep them from jumping on people. I have to say after living here near forty years, the people here have changed. They are aggressive and mean.
Yes, if a dog owner can’t train their dog not to jump on people, they should pay a trainer. People can afford that around here, and again, if they can’t they should keep their dogs away from public places.
I am the original poster again. It is revealing of the character of people in this town, that the postings here do NOT EXPRESS SYMPATHY for me the victim of a dog attack.
I am an elderly woman who follows doctors orders and walks around the blocks everyday. And according to you guys I should allow your dogs to jump on me, knock me down and chew me up. And for the record, I usually get onto street when I see a dog coming. sometimes I can’t because a car is in the way coming down the road.
I am the original poster for the last time , I hope.
Actually, if a dog owner knows a dog is NOT TRAINED NOT TO JUMP on a passerby, DECENCY would DICTATE that the dog owner would walk the dog onto the street to avoid the walker on the sidewalk.
But no never around here. But Hey, this is the greatest community , right.
ok, this is not really about dogs.
To the original poster: I am the owner of a well trained dog that is always on a short leash under my control. I sympathize with your situation. And you can legally buy pepper spray at places like Ramsey outdoor store. I think the .75 oz I s the legal size. I carry it but haven’t used it yet. We have been attacked by viscous little dogs that act like a rabid animal and large ones. So far a swift kick or a swat with the pooper scooper did the trick, these were loose and not on a leash as the law requires. It’s also an example of the piss poor attitudes of the new residents who own these dogs. I’m a senior citizen too and I do not recall these out of control dogs until recent
And use a cell phone to take a video…then give it to your lawyer and sue the jerk
Hi Diane palacios!!!
Somebody needs a hug.