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Reader says Petitioners were welcomed and greeted warmly ar Bergen County Freeholder Meeting

photo courtesy of Maura DeNicola Packed Freeholder Meeting Room for the State of the County

file photo by Freeholder Maura DeNicola

Last night a few of us went to the Freeholders meeting in Hackensack because the introduction of their ordinance to OK the BCIA funding our garage was on the agenda. We were welcomed and greeted warmly. Several came over to us before the meeting, introduced themselves, offered great support and adulation for our grass roots effort with the petition, explained the process, etc.

When one of us was speaking the timer went off, and instead of shutting the speaker down, they asked him politely to wrap it up and let him finish. It was unbelievable. Then I realized it was not unbelievable, it was simply not something that we are accustomed to after being beaten and bashed by the Council majority.

While our mayor calls the petitioners outright liars who are fueled by misinformation, these elected officials applauded our interest and passion. Mayor Aronsohn could take a huge lesson in civility by watching these truly fine individuals in action. Well it won’t be long until the three of them are gone and we will have peace, civility and decency once again.

The freeholders had already met with Aronsohn, of course, and they told us that Aronsohn assured them yesterday afternoon that it was going to be funded by Ridgewood and that he expected to have a vote on this by next week. At that point, we were told, the entire involvement of the BCIA and freeholders would go “poof.” (their word). In the meantime, they told us that they would be voting unanimously last night to approve the funding by the BCIA because they are not involved with design, height, location, or any of that. Their only job is to say yea or nay to the BCIA request, and they had no reason to say nay.

Two takeaways –

1. Aronsohn told them that it is definitely going to be funded in town. Interesting, because last night at the VC he refused to take the BCIA ordinance off the books and he continued to sing the praises of the BCIA.

2. Aronsohn will be taking full credit if it gets funded in town, when in fact the efforts of the petition drive is the sole reason that he got backed into this corner. Power to the people.

5 thoughts on “Reader says Petitioners were welcomed and greeted warmly ar Bergen County Freeholder Meeting

  1. Not at all encouraging. The mayor can still get the garage funded by BCIA even if some council members believe the garage design is STILL UNSATISFACTORY.

    I hope the final garage design stays within the boundaries of the Hudson St. lot.

    Aronsohn didn’t tell the residents at last night’s council meeting that he had spoken to the Freeholders. Shouldn’t he have?

    Who in the world would be happy with the Freeholder’s decision. For all their good manners they sided with Aronsohn, but they smiled at you Ridgewood residents and praised you, like good dutiful children. Now put away your toys; it’s time to go to sleep.

  2. Is it just me or is Aronsohn a bit sneaky by making comments to the freeholders, rather than as a member of the council. Welcome to Hudson county politics.

  3. If they stick with BCIA bonding it is shut down until May. Even if at that time there is a binding vote and it is approved by voters (worst case) we haven’t broken ground yet. New council comes in and approves a new design, perhaps just a second level and we all move forward.

  4. 11:09 – correct. Lets see if Michael and Susan stick to it or if they given in to “self vote” on March 2nd.

  5. I wouldn’t bet the ranch on it 1:00. They will cave you know for the greater good. of Ridgewood. Doesn’t take long to be a full-fledged politician once on the council . Well Mike and Susan there is a lot of us that are not subscribing to the new narrative thats been going around the last couple of days. Your re-election is a few years away and a lot of us have long memories

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