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Wednesday Night Council Meeting features Back patting, Bloviation and the usual attacks on the Ridgewod blog

village council meeting

photos by Boyd  Loving
Wednesday Night Council Meeting features Back patting, Bloviation and the usual attacks on the Ridgewod blog
February 25,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Recycling bins were blowing all over the place due to the wind but the ” Bloviating” from the council majority was worse and so self serving. Albert praised himself and his cohorts for all the compromising they had done  by making some garage changes. Of course there was no mention of the hundreds of citizens who spent countless hours and money to get them to make the changes that would have  proven disastrous for the Hudson/Broad Street area.

Susan made a point of letting Paul know that his use of the word liar in his email was “unfortunate ” and based on real numbers that the petitioners used was actually untrue on his part.  Albert introduced his ordinance that really amounts to letting people know in committee settings if you will be taping the meeting.  No one except Susan seems to want to address the behavior in the courtroom/ the Dana Glazer incident.  Roberta as usual  spoke for “huge” amounts of time and made many little faces throughout.

Much talk about the BCIA and Paul stated he is in constant contact with them and will be pursuing funding through them while also admitting that funding the garage ourselves is also an option.  Rurik Halaby praised the council majority, spoke negatively about Susan and complained about The Blog but calls it Pravda so no one knows what he is talking about.

21 thoughts on “Wednesday Night Council Meeting features Back patting, Bloviation and the usual attacks on the Ridgewod blog

  1. Great summary James. Chaotic mismanagement and incivility as usual.

  2. Last night a few of us went to the Freeholders meeting in Hackensack because the introduction of their ordinance to OK the BCIA funding our garage was on the agenda. We were welcomed and greeted warmly. Several came over to us before the meeting, introduced themselves, offered great support and adulation for our grass roots effort with the petition, explained the process, etc. When one of us was speaking the timer went off, and instead of shutting the speaker down, they asked him politely to wrap it up and let him finish. It was unbelievable. Then I realized it was not unbelievable, it was simply not something that we are accustomed to after being beaten and bashed by the Council majority. While our mayor calls the petitioners outright liars who are fueled by misinformation, these elected officials applauded our interest and passion. Mayor Aronsohn could take a huge lesson in civility by watching these truly fine individuals in action. Well it won’t be long until the three of them are gone and we will have peace, civility and decency once again.

  3. If you want to play in the mud, you should expect to get dirty.

  4. What happened at the Freeholder meeting? What was the result? Did they OK the BCIA funding or not?

    Do you know? Is it concluded? I sent letters to the Freeholders; so I want to know.

    Why leave the most important question unmentioned? Good manners is not the issue here.

  5. 8:27 why criticize those who traveled in bad weather to attend the county meeting.

    Just ask.

  6. James: You are “off course” when you write “of coarse” when you mean “of course.” And I am not surprised if certain people do not understand the reference to Pravda. These include Leon, as in Trotsky, the editor, and many readers of the the Ridgewood Blog, I mean Pravda. If H.L. Mencken was alive, he would refer to yout typical reader as Boobus Ridgewoodcanus.

  7. 8:27

    The freeholders had already met with Aronsohn, of course, and they told us that Aronsohn assured them yesterday afternoon that it was going to be funded by Ridgewood and that he expected to have a vote on this by next week. At that point, we were told, the entire involvement of the BCIA and freeholders would go “poof.” (their word). In the meantime, they told us that they would be voting unanimously last night to approve the funding by the BCIA because they are not involved with design, height, location, or any of that. Their only job is to say yea or nay to the BCIA request, and they had no reason to say nay.

    Two takeaways –

    1. Aronsohn told them that it is definitely going to be funded in town. Interesting, because last night at the VC he refused to take the BCIA ordinance off the books and he continued to sing the praises of the BCIA.

    2. Aronsohn will be taking full credit if it gets funded in town, when in fact the efforts of the petition drive is the sole reason that he got backed into this corner. Power to the people.

  8. Watch for any bait and switch..unforeseen circumstances etc..Hopefully the Petition is still filed and goes on the record to meet any election deadlines..can be determined to be moot at a later date..

  9. 8:27 Because the issue is serious, and to concentrate on something superfluous to the result is just silly.

  10. So will we get a smaller garage that is economically viable or are we just going to fund the monstrosity through the Village? Sounds like there’s a chance that we’re only halfway there. Where are Mr. Sedon and Mrs. Knudsen on this currently?

  11. Rurik: Your “off course” when you write “yout” when you mean “your”. And I am not suprised if certain people do not understand you because it’s difficult to understand the drivel of children in their yout. I am sure when you grow up from your yout we will be able to understand you better. Until then get permission from your mom b4 posting again.

  12. Rurik,

    A thought:

    “Sometimes I don’t speak right, but yet I know what I’m talking about.” ~ Why Can’t We Be Friends, War

  13. Usually Rurik is to be totally ignored, but let’s address one thing he spoke about last night.
    He touted the benefits and wonders of the Ridgewood moms and dads page. The one stop place for information on all local happenings.
    Except if you happen to be anyone with an opinion that differs from the site moderator who happens to do the bidding of our village manger, Rurik and a few others who are like minded. The moderator pergolas has ties to other local organizations which would benefit from keeping only one side of the story visible to as many residents as he can reach.
    So, say you are someone who should want to post any opposing view of Rurik, or post factual information about something like say, the petition, your post is deleted and you’re removed from the site. Some people may get a warning that their many neighbors are complaining about them- probably not- and you’re allowed to reapply for admission to censorship central at a later time.
    The moderator of the site that Halaby finds so helpful, is censoring what a good portion of Ridgewood residents see. Some people don’t know there are other places to go to get a well balanced view of town happenings.
    Just figured it should be put out there.

  14. I’ve heard so much about posting on the moms and dads page. I didn’t know it was like that. Who is the moderator?

  15. Rurik is the poster boy for the short man syndrome.

  16. The moderator and his wife are all easily enough found out off of this blog. All easily looked up.
    He deletes immediately and removes the comments of, anyone who dares to speak out against the council majority. He thr. Sends messages to the offenders which are sometimes direct quotes from Roberta.
    Unfortunately a lot of new people to town, or people not as aware as others, use that site as a place for legit information.
    That man has set himself up as the censor for Ridgewood.

  17. Is it true that she belong to the Ridgewood Chamber of Commerce ?

  18. The Ridgewood Moms and Dads is a horrible blog. The moderator knocks off anyone he even remotely disagrees with. I am not talking about obscene or profane postings, just postings that he disagrees with. Therefore the entire site is worthless. I never go there anymore. And no, I have not been knocked off it.

  19. 8:55 unless he has a new wife…
    Just saying that information is out there. Doesn’t take but a second to see the forest for the trees and it’s easy to test. Go on the moms and dads page. Post something supporting this petition, or basically any bring anti council majority. Do it politely. See how fast it’s deleted and you’re warned or removed. The guy is a hack a censor and he toes the line with legality. More than one person I have spoken to have addressed things he’s allowed said, or censored, with attorneys. It’s only a matter of time before his censor site is his worst idea ever. He also forgets. He can tell everyone not to screen shot things but his messages to people IN ROBERTA’S words are out there.

  20. Rurik – in scientific nomenclature, the species is always lower case. Boobus Ridgewoodcanus is quite incorrect and I find it offensive. Boobus ridgewoodcanus would be correct. Thanks.

  21. I know at least a dozen people who have been removed from the Ridgewood Moms and Dad facebook page all for postings countrary to the moderator (and hence the three amigos+Roberta).

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