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Reader says The bike lane was a complete waste of money and it failed

bike path way ridgewood train station

The bike lane to nowhere was was an idiotic attempt by Roberta to show she could do something, ,anything , constructive and it turned into a nightmare, It was a complete waste of money and it failed to achieve the goals of increased safety and increased vehicle thru-put that were touted by Village Management as a major goal. The fact is this project turned into a giant waste of taxpayer money with no identifiable benefit to the Village, All who were involved in planning ,executing, managing and promoting this stupid project should be let go immediately. We need smart people to solve our problrms not idiots who have no idea what they are doing.

8 thoughts on “Reader says The bike lane was a complete waste of money and it failed

  1. RE: “We need smart people to solve our problrms not idiots who have no idea what they are doing.”

    You don’t understand, they know EXACTLY what they are doing… this is what ideologues do.

    They DO NOT care to solve the problems of their constituents nor do they strive to make the lives of their constituents better in a direct measurable way – such as making it EASIER (better, faster, cheaper, etc.) for their constituents to do that which they have already CHOSEN to do (i.e. drive their cars)

    INSTEAD, ideologues strive to CHANGE the behavior of their constituents and try to MOLD them (aka force them) into doing something that meets the ideologues ideal of perfection – which usually results in a lower quality of life with less diversity and a “sameness” reduced to the LCD of minimal happiness and misery.

    The ideologues thinking in implementing the bike lane is to make driving in town more miserable so that people will be forced to abandon their (evil) cars out of frustration and convert to (good) cycling. In reality, the net result is wasted resources, angry constituents, reduction in happiness and productivity and rerouting of traffic onto more residential streets causing more safety issues and more gasoline usage (aka pollution). But don’t worry, these failures will not dissuade the ideologue. they WILL NOT see the error nor folly of their ways – instead they will redouble their efforts to try to find a new way to achieve their goals – usually by inflicting more pain and suffering on their constituents (ex: tripling the gasoline tax) in an attempt to force people to do not what they themselves want to do but what the ideologues want them to do.

    The irony of it all is that if the ideologues ultimate utopia is reached the resulting world will be a miserable place with little to no innovation and no ecstasy (nor misery), but instead just the flat mediocre sameness of being… might as well be a plant.

  2. Photo looks as if it were under water, which is how it feels to drive through there sometimes.

  3. They made a dangerous left turn Lane into competing right turn cars exiting THE STATION and also train lot traffic coming straight at them across Garber ; while those same left turning cars are TIp toeing thru dodging pedestrians crossing a wide dangerous curved intersection.

    It’s an impossible design.

    Throw in a blind spot right turning lane on Vera’s corner as cars Zoom up that hill and pedestrians are in a lot of peril as then try to make it across the last 10 feet of the crosswalk at the square,

    OPTION TO AND FROM THE TRAIN SIDE TO BAGEL STORE.might be some complaints, however once the routine is established ,it would be a safer option for everyone. And cars might be able to move more efficiently through the intersection down under the overpass area.

  4. Yes the Ideology that is Ridgewood. Thanks for the “Political Theory” update that runs amok at Village hall. Lol.
    We all know this thing was a bad idea from the get-go and the issue at hand is to do something about it NOW. Not tomorrow, or next week, NOW. Unfortunately, someone is going to have to be seriously injured or worst case killed B4 any normal individual with a lick of common sense at VH would have acted on long ago. FIX IT NOW.

  5. Sarlo has to go! Advancing bills that help HUMC when he works for Sanzari, who is on the board and has made millions from work there.

  6. I think we may be stuck with this thing for a long time…
    If I recall correctly there were some funds used for the bike lane that were only able to be gotten and used if they were used for a “traffic easing” project. My suspicion is that if we remove the bike lane we will be liable for repaying those funds or some other legal consequence.

  7. It will cost a lot more, and feel a lot worse, to pay up when the village is sued for negligence (notes on this blog could be used as evidence) after someone is badly injured or killed in that un-designed horror show. FIX IT NOW.

  8. I recall seeing numerous cyclists riding through this in the days before this path to nowhere was made. I’m sure it does get occasional use since it was installed, but in all the times I’ve driven or walked by, I have never seen a single cyclist use it. How can you create a cycle lane and the result is that cyclists won’t use it?

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