file photo by Boyd Loving
Pasquale Taddei , “It is with regret that I am forced to reply to this slanderous tale of a supposed event that occurred last evening after the open discussion forum of the Village Council Meeting. While this article may be presented as “news” it is nothing more than an attempt at intimidation to silence those most strongly opposed to the recently enacted parking ordinance on Bogert and Cambridge.
The encounter between Mrs. Taddei and Mrs. McWilliams contained no yelling or obscenities as erroneously stated in the comments above. It is also factually incorrect to state that I in anyway restrained or physically dragged my wife down the hallway. Any suggestion that I would act in such a brutish way towards the person most important to me is further evidence of this slanted commentary.
Finally for those readers who were not present at the Council Meeting and are reading this please note that I, Pasquale Taddei take full and public ownership of the contents of this response and juxtapose that with the owner of the previous comments who was unwilling to provide a full name. What are you hiding “James”?”
Blog likes alternative facts.
It’s a shame that it’s come to this and Erin is lucky to have you in her corner. If this was the first time, I would think it was an aberration but the harassment has been unacceptable and ongoing towards your wife. And having attended the meeting there is no way I would’ve missed such a display. I can honestly say I heard nothing out of the ordinary and for those anonymous posters who are impugning Erin, let them prove it happened. The fact they are anonymous proves they are not telling the truth. I truly hope this is resolved soon because this has got to stop.
Can this be over?
It’s over. The original account needed to be from a named individual in order for it to have credibility. It wasn’t, and neither were any of the “me too” comments that were posted in its wake in attempts to perpetuate the calumny. Jeanette has righteously administered the formal posterior-kicking our anonymous yarn-spinning friends were truly asking for and richly deserved. Declare victory and move on.
Let’s have a match in the Octagon with Cory Booker as the referee…
Listen up, people, the truth is the truth. And the truth is that a threat to kill was stated. There does not have to be a loud scuffle for this to happen, nor for a someone to pull an upset spouse down the hallway.
Yep, he’s a reliable witness.
7:52, the story is now changing?
And yes, Mr. Taddei is very much more of a reliable witness, all others disputing the Taddei’s account have been anonymous.
I’d take as fact any information from an anonymous source b4 listening to anyone who’s name follows..,who do you think is REALLY telling the truth?