Councilman Voigt is a hot head with an uncontrollable temper. He is inappropriate, he is a bully, and he is borderline insane.
The FAC is an incubator for Paul Aronsohn-Roberta Sonenefld’s proteges. Evan Weitz is a snake in the grass, a despicable person who was resoundingly voted down this spring. We do not need the FAC. They long since outlived their very limited value and are now way way WAY overstepping their boundaries. Kill the FAC.
Oh for goodness sake. Let’s not make a mountain out of a molehill. Well,l first I get castigated, lambasted big time for saying I wasn’t sure if I was going to vote for Jeff. My anonymity was revealed on this blog, when I said I might not vote for Jeff. I was considered the she devil herself.
And now Jeff is being treated like the man devil himself. So the man had an independent thought and expressed it a little roughly, not with the utmost polish and refinement. SO WHAT. Democracy is messy. Jeff will learn how to moderate his expressions in due time. The other council people voted against his idea and that was that. Big deal over the whole thing.
But I sure am glad there is a Saint Anne Loving who is the moral judge of everything and points everything she thinks is a sin out to everyone, as if we can’t see for ourselves. That makes the atmosphere and spirit, especially at holiday time, much better, right.
Jeff is a good guy with a lot of good ideas. Let’s not be too Joisey , guys. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, guys. Remember no one is perfect. That’s why we have teams to decide issues. Remember when the FAC was considered great. so it’s changing. Get your aggression out in some constructive way. And please your driving is too fast, don’t use your aggression on the road!
Looks like you were right about Jeff, Diane. He is beyond inappropriate. And no he is not a good guy with a lot of good ideas. He is a power-hungry guy with someone feeding him ideas.
Sorry, Diane. You’re wrong. And his personality issues are probably not going to be resolved in his lifetime.
Anne Loving, you are a Saint and thank you for all you do. We should all have the courage to stand up against bullying and incivility. If you see something, say something. As for that episode of name-calling, at the start of comments, it isn’t about you. Insults are the last resort of insecure people trying to appear confident. No one ever looks good trying to make someone else look bad.