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Reader says The Financial Advisory Committee is an incubator for Paul Aronsohn-Roberta Sonenefld’s proteges

Ridgewood 3 amigos

Councilman Voigt is a hot head with an uncontrollable temper. He is inappropriate, he is a bully, and he is borderline insane.

The FAC is an incubator for Paul Aronsohn-Roberta Sonenefld’s proteges. Evan Weitz is a snake in the grass, a despicable person who was resoundingly voted down this spring. We do not need the FAC. They long since outlived their very limited value and are now way way WAY overstepping their boundaries. Kill the FAC.

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Ridgewood Council Meeting : Pomander Walk war, Pizza,a Central Valet plan, the “Financial Advisory Committee”, Hauck Speaks for Seniors , parking and by-laws

Ridgewood Village Council


December 8,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ten points to ponder from the Village Council Work Session of December 7

  1. The Pomander Walk war continues, with people from all sides arguing loudly about why parking should or should not be permitted on this PUBLIC STREET. The Sherman Place residents are totally disgusted that all the cars are now on their street. The Pomander Walk people are as happy as can be with their private street.  For now Pomander remains no parking, but a study is commencing that will assess the entire neighborhood in terms of parking, safety, traffic flow, etc.
  1. Everyone should order pizza from Santonis Pizzeria and Restaurant at 88 Godwin Avenue. This guy has really gotten the shaft from the NIMBY’s in his neighborhood; his business has been unjustly and unfairly affected by the privatization of precious Pomander Walk. His food is delicious, and he is a really nice guy who is just trying to run his business.   Call 201-389-6810  Show him that the rest of Ridgewood is filled with nice people who appreciate good food and hard-working shop owners.
  1. FORMER (with emphasis on the former) Councilwoman Gwenn Hauck showed up to speak about seniors and to refresh everyone’s memories that she is the savior of all elderly residents. And she indicated that seniors cannot really manage using UBER, you know, because they are old and addled.
  1. A grant is being applied for to finally get the N. Walnut St. lot remediated.  Kudos to this council for getting this going.Wonder if a parking deck could go there?5. Councilman Voigt presented a detailed spreadsheet itemizing the restaurants, numbers of employees, numbers of seats in the restaurants, and more.  He entitled it Councilman Voigt’s Parking Analysis…..just to make sure that everyone knows that he did this.  Listening to him one might have the impression that several hundred cars are prowling the streets of Ridgewood on Saturday nights looking for a parking space, which we all know is far from reality.  The mayor indicated that more than a year ago a request was made of the Chamber of Commerce to provide the information presented in Councilman  Voigt’s document.  The Chamber would not, or at least did not, provide this information; what was with the Chamber’s lack of cooperation?  Paul Vaggianos???
  1. Deputy Mayor Sedon talked about smaller parking garage options for Hudson.   A long-ago, quickly discarded plan that actually fit on the Hudson Street lot was dug out of the archives, and is now being revisited.Father Ron of Mt. Carmel was contacted and his position reportedly remains the same (not too big, not too intrusive, not messing up the traffic flow, not removing street parking by the church).  Question:  if they are remediating North Walnut, why not put a garage there?
  1. Councilman Hache talked of all the parking improvements that are being made. The Central Valet plan is moving forward, which will enable people to leave their cars and go shopping, dining, whatever they wish. Drivers will not be restricted to just going to a certain restaurant, but will have the freedom to go anywhere in town.  There are plenty of spaces where the valet cars will be parked….including Cottage Place…..because, you know, there ARE plenty of parking spaces in Ridgewood if you are willing to walk a block or two.  Councilman Hache also indicated that signs now direct people to lots, a huge and simple improvement.  Enforcement is being stepped up to keep employees of the shops from parking on the streets.  Lower-priced parking will be available at the Cottage and Walnut lots, with blocks of spots designated just for employees.  The UBER-at-the-train plan is still underway, but it promises to be a congestion problem since no area has been assigned for all the anticipated cars.
  1. Mayor Knudsen suggested that the missions and bylaws of boards and committees be reviewed.  Some have cumbersome bylaws.  Some have none.  Some overstep beyond the original intent.  Some, most notably the Financial Advisory Committee, border on performing management functions.  While the volunteer efforts of committee and board members is greatly appreciated and was duly acknowledged, the fact remains that these hard-working individuals need guidelines under which to function. This resulted in an angry, nasty, vituperative outburst from Councilman Voigt, who made wild accusations about Mayor Knudsen.   One could close one’s eyes and think, for a horrifying moment, that the angry quartet of Aronsohn-Pucciarelli-Hauck-Sonenfeld had returned to the dais.  Really, Mr. Voigt, cool your jets.  You were obnoxious and completely inappropriate and you came off as a total jerk.  In particular, Mr. Voigt was desperately defending the Financial Advisory Committee, just going on and on about it.  Paraphrasing Shakespeare…….methinks thou dost protest too much.  Who is pulling your strings to protect the FAC with such venom??? (and the Jeopardy answer to that question is……).  The other four elected officials (you know, the four that are level headed and do not have people behind the scenes telling them what to do) agreed that Mayor Knudsen’s suggestion is valid and that the review of committee and board bylaws will be worthwhile…..all while Councilman Voigt continued to spew his objections.  A template for committee bylaws will be developed, thus providing a framework for each group.
  1. The Ridge School Traffic Study was presented.  Could the subject of sidewalks on Clinton Avenue be reading its head once again?
  1. No word from Mr. Halaby, guessing he was not there or surely he would have pontificated. Former candidate and current FAC member Evan Weitz was clearly visible on camera…..maybe he is planning to run again in 2018?
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Readers Discuss the Serving on Village of Ridgewood boards and committees

May 16,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The Village Council is looking for residents who are interested in volunteering to serve on the following Boards and Committees:  Planning Board, Zoning Board of Adjustment, The Ridgewood Community Center Advisory Board, The Financial Advisory Committee, The Ridgewood Arts Council, and the Shade Tree Commission.

If you want to get involved in Village governance volunteering for Village boards or committees is a great place to start.
There is no upper age limit. The only qualifications are to have something in one’s background that suggests a good fit with the desired committee or whatever. There needs to be enough on the application form and accompanying CV or autobiography to encourage the council to invite the person for an interview. Often these positions are in demand and the council has to have some reason to choose people over others. Yes, residency in Ridgewood is a requirement but you don’t have to have lived here for any particular length of time (viz. Evan Weitz’s Financial Advisory Committee chairmanship upon crossing the town line).

The time commitment is often three years (often renewable by mutual agreement between the individual and the current council at that time), although it varies, but people can quit if they are going to move or an emergency such as illness arises. That’s one reason there are alternates on the Planning Board and Zoning Board, so there’s always someone ready to step in quickly on boards that make very important decisions.

Members of any committee etc. are of course expected to attend meetings regularly, so if a certain night of the week, say, would be an automatic deal breaker, look at the back pages of the village calendar for an idea of which nights each group meets: for example, the Zoning Board of Adjustment meets on a couple of Tuesdays a month. Council members Susan Knudsen and Mike Sedon can answer Also Village Clerk Heather Mailander,, or call her at village hall, 201-670-5500, ext. 201.

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Village of Ridgewood Seeks Resident Volunteers to Serve on Various Boards and Committees

New Broom Sweeps Clean


May 15,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood

Ridgewood NJ, The Village Council is looking for residents who are interested in volunteering to serve on the following Boards and Committees:  Planning Board, Zoning Board of Adjustment, The Ridgewood Community Center Advisory Board, The Financial Advisory Committee, The Ridgewood Arts Council, and the Shade Tree Commission.

The Planning Board reviews site plans and subdivision applications; prepares, adopts, and amends the Master Plan; makes recommendations to the Village Council regarding amendments to developmental regulations and the official map.

The Zoning Board of Adjustment hears variance applications and appeals from rulings and determinations arising from the enforcement of Village zoning ordinances.

The Community Center Advisory Board develops policies and procedures for the operation of the Community Center facility and assists in the fulfillment of the County Municipal Alliance Grant requirements.  Membership includes:  Senior Citizen residents; adult residents with children in the school system; and adult residents with no children in the school system.

The Financial Advisory Committee assists in the review and understanding of the financial considerations necessary to the operation of the Village and the Village’s preparation of the Annual and Capital Budgets; provides review, advice and recommendations to the Village Council on Village financial and budgetary matters; and prepares an annual report for the Village Council to assist the Councilmembers in their budget preparation.  Members will preferably have strong finance, accounting, government and/or business backgrounds.

The Ridgewood Arts Council will assist in the promotion of and encourage artistic and cultural programs and will provide for educational opportunities in the areas of art and culture.  The Ridgewood Arts Council will also provide advice, guidance, and recommendations to the Village Council, as needed.

The Shade Tree Commission works closely with the Parks and Recreation Department, the Ridgewood Environmental Advisory Committee, and the Green Team to promote awareness and education of the residents as well as advise and provide recommendations to the Village Council in promoting and sustaining a safe and productive shade tree resource.

All interested residents should fill out a Citizen Volunteer Leadership form (found on the Village website under “Forms”), and send it along with a cover letter indicating on which board(s) or committee(s) the resident wishes to serve, and a biography or resume to:

Heather Mailander
Village Clerk
Village of Ridgewood
131 North Maple Ave.
Ridgewood, NJ  07451

Deadline for submissions is May 26, 2016.