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Reader says the No2BCIA Petition signers need an independent representative present to over see the validity of the the signatures

BCIA petition OLMC

Reader says I do not trust the 3 Amigos (the council majority) or the Village Manager. I just wonder that when these fine people who have put so many hours get resident to sign the garage petitions hand them in will there be an independent representative present to over see the validity of the the signatures? With all of whats been going on surrounding  this garage and the Council majority along with the Village Manager . Will they exert pressure on whomever will be checking. Will the Village Manager or any Council Members be the ones also counting? Residents beware. We have all seen posts on this blog on how our Mayor has brought Hudson County politics to Ridgewood.

7 thoughts on “Reader says the No2BCIA Petition signers need an independent representative present to over see the validity of the the signatures

  1. I believe the town clerk is the one tasked with checking each signature against voter registration records

  2. They were very careful. Had access to the voter registration records to ensure correct middle initial.

    There will be no questions

  3. Well, make copies of all of the petitions with signatures. For example, McCarthy should make copies of all her petition papers with signatures etc.

    That way “mistakes” cannot be made. To be clear: photo copy petition papers with signatures.

    Don’t just give papers with signatures to town without copies. Duh!

  4. When people loose trust of the local government on such a basic transaction as a legal
    Petition for a legal referendum..that itself speaks more than loud and clear of a no confidence
    Vote . Shameful

  5. Im wait for the mysterious fire in the clears office after the petitions are handed in. Thats the Hudson County way

  6. Waiting and Clerk sorry about that.

  7. We had 10% ‘mail in ballots’ in November. Is that normal for all other places?

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