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Reader says The Ridgewood Financial Advisory Committee is NOT a financial decision body and does not make binding decisions


Agreed on the criteria listed for governance of the FAC, but the post above seems to be a deliberate attempt to mislead people. The FAC is NOT a financial decision body and does not make binding decisions. Their sole purpose is to offer independent, expert advice to the Council members on financial matters including budgeting, municipal tax policy, contract negotiations, and long-term financial planning for capital improvements to the Village. Ridgewood has many talented residents with financial, tax, contract law and budgeting experience. These people are tax paying residents just like all of us and are willing to volunteer their time to give their advice on how the Council can make better financial decisions on behalf of all taxpayers. Why wouldn’t Council members want this?

4 thoughts on “Reader says The Ridgewood Financial Advisory Committee is NOT a financial decision body and does not make binding decisions

  1. Could have worked, but the group wished to soar on its own wings and has pushed much too hard to be involved in matters outside their purview. Either half of them must be thrown off the committee or, easier, the committee should be disbanded. Easier that way.

  2. They are not employees and they are not elected officials.

    We could have a shadow committee for every department in town but that would not be productive.

    Is there a specific need for oversight in this particular area? Has the need expired?

    Can’t these people just function as citizens and attend council meetings like the rest of us?

  3. 12:15pm seems to have the right idea.

  4. I’d love to know what our CFO thinks about it.

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