The Ridgewood Public Library has no business getting involved in a performing arts center. They are not the village Entertainment Center.
They are trying to build up their numbers by hosting book clubs, cooking clubs and other hobby clubs. What is the purpose of a library? They need to evolve to electronic information – if that even makes sense.
A performing Arts Center should use private funds. Create a nonprofit and give it a go. Government should not be in the entertainment business. And opera and ballet are entertainment.
There is no parking for such a thing, which should not be attached to a library. Please, please, council, make them let it go.
A classic case of a small minority who want to pursue their own artistic endeavor using other peoples money.
Here’s an idea. Do it yourself and get your own place. Try to make it self-funding with funds raised from the actual people who want to use it. Guess what? It simply won’t work. So why, therefore, do we all have to pay for it?
Ridgewood will be the Disney of New Jersey.
Let’s not assume it’s going to happen. It’s a terrible idea.
They have an auditorium already. It is underutilized, rented out for piano recitals and similar events.
A PAC sounds nice but will never pay for itself. This is a venture that should be started as a nonprofit. They will need a lot of silent auctions to get this one off the ground.
What to the other plans for additions to Village Hall are revealed ? Ms Bee and some dept. heads were well into these plans before she resigned. Lets hope the this new council and village manger put and end of this out of control bonding. and land grabs at the taxpayers expense