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Reader says the VOCAL MINORITY in Ridgewood that Aronsohn and Halaby always talked about weren’t so minority after all


Yes, indeed Derek Schnure! Aronsohn, Pucciarelli, and Hauck HATE the Blog and complain endlessly about anonymous bloggers. Of course then we find out that Hauck’s husband was posting nasty comments about two of Gwenn’s colleagues on the council, and that Albert and Paul were posting anonymously all the time as was Roberta.

The Blog enables people to say what they really think, to air grievances, to reveal hidden secrets, all without fear of retribution. Pucciarelli vilified the blog all the time, but he was obvioulsy one of the big anonymous posters. Hauck told everyone to be very careful what they put on social media, and then she blasted people viciously on facebook while her husband was doing so on the blog. Aronsohn touted transparency but then fed total BS to the news outlets, who were too lazy to get the facts and just printed his falsehoods.

The Blog and other forms of social media are amazing tools for the little people. Seems that the VOCAL MINORITY that Aronsohn and Halaby always talked about weren’t so minority after all.

6 thoughts on “Reader says the VOCAL MINORITY in Ridgewood that Aronsohn and Halaby always talked about weren’t so minority after all

  1. Hmmm let’s look at the numbers:
    2012 Municipal Election Results
    Aronsohn – 2,479
    Puciarelli – 2,078
    Hauck – 1,727

    Yet 2,675 people voted NO to the 5 story garage on Tuesday – more votes than any of the outgoing Council majority got when they were elected. Despite this we are still being referred to as a “fringe” element and “vocalantis” on Facebook. There’s just no convincing some people…

  2. The same defamation (in this case, libel) laws apply to anonymized speech on this blog as anywhere else, so the freedom the original poster refers to is freedom from intimidation which tends to stifle speech, and freedom from retribution or punishment for having spoken. We here in Ridgewood have been sorely in need of those kinds of freedom, which does provide in abundance. Thank you James.

  3. The ironically-named “Civility Forums” were, collectively, a thinly- (because ordinarily that’s all that is needed to avoid scrutiny) disguised attempt to re-define, as aggressive “incivility”, civic involvement, occasionally taking the form of mild pushback, by village residents and taxpayers who are ordinary citizens and are therefore not invested in advancing a freakish, spawn-of-alinsky, progressive political agenda. Harsh but well-deserved criticism, almost solely originating from this blog, eventually unmasked the intentions of Aronsohn and his adoring supplicants, taking the wind out of their sails and mercifully ending that baleful series of public meetings.

  4. The ironically-named “Civility Forums” were, collectively, a thinly- (because that’s usually all that is needed to avoid scrutiny) disguised attempt to re-define, as aggressive “incivility”, civic involvement, occasionally taking the form of mild pushback, by ordinary village residents and taxpayers not invested or interested in advancing a freakish, spawn-of-alinsky, progressive political agenda. Criticism from this blog eventually unmasked the intentions of Aronsohn, his adoring supplicants, and his friends in the media such as The Record’s Stephen Borg. The wind having been taken out of their sails, they mercifully ended that baleful series of foolish public/private meetings. Their jihad against normalcy is sure to arise again in some other form in the near future which is why we need to support small-entity actors like James who are willing to throw stumbling blocks in their path.

  5. Gwenn is losing it folks. With only days to go she has sprung several leaks and is spewing ridiculous inappropriate crap all over facebook. She cannot help herself. Perhaps there is a bed for her at Bergen Pines (soon to be Valley) when Friday comes.

    Friday is almost here……………………….

  6. July 1, the end of a terror. Oops I meant the end of an era. No, terror works better

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