Too much regulation steals our freedoms in Ridgewood.
The cost of maintaining this over regulation is boundless.example
Overnight parking limitations call in requirement is another freedom taken away
from homeowners of small houses.Kids have cars now to get to colleges and jobs.a simple VOR car rear window sticker would solve the concerns of police on identifying any loiterers or stalkers late at nights.
Meantime the large houses on the heights have endless driveways.
A common theme I keep hearing from my neighbors who call to question a policy or problem with the town departments is that when they question a policy which creates a hardship for issues like overnight parking code enforcement on several large home expansions the Village depts employees often say that it’s the neighbors are grinding old axes against other neighbors complaining about barking dogs,cars In the streets…unkept lots..this nanny nation mentality further foster the local government to create so many rules and
codes on simple issues of common sense..if a hedge or a new addition to a back or side yard create a hazard the town should talk to them and seek a compromise rather than those codes and expanding mandates that take away too many rights like parking a legally owned car in front of the taxpayers House if expanded family number of cars exceeds the capacity of their garages and small drivewaysl..common sense..overnight call in to the police if limited when you have no options and your children drive to school or work from their home too lA simple residents pass on back window would take care of this entire issue.I want the police doing other important things at night for the town and their administration than parking monitoring.
I drive the speed limit. My gripe lately is that there is always someone tailgating me in the Village. If I wasn’t there, they would be doing 55 on a 25 MPH street. I know that you might like more regulations, but I think that there should be aggressive enforcement of the speed limit.
Over night street parking has been illegal since i was a kid it is not new nor is it a freedom taken away.
1.47 what happens when your college kid gets his first car and a job and your 100 year old house one car barely fits into the attached garage and has a small 20 foot driveways .ie can only fit 2 cars ie working parents and new young adult family youth driver.Streets are for parking resident cars too before the inquisition on home owners right to park one car in own driveway apron or in front of his her home
4:40.. Bummer, but no parking on the streets is one of the best things for the village because it maintains the tidy look of the village. I don’t want our village to look like other towns. Sounds like you have to put some money into restructuring your driveway situation.
I agree with 4:40
Very tidy with no overnight cars on the street
Keep it that way
If you like to park in the street you should have stayed in Hudson county.
Do you put chairs in the street after your shovel the snow to save “your” parking spot.
Leave your city habits and attitudes elsewhere if you move here.
Good god stop with the village thing will you?
What do you think you live in Romania?