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Readers defend AirBnb in Ridgewood


I have had many airbnb visitors, all very decent professionals, staying for various reasons, TI Pros working 1-2 or 3 month contracts, people that had construction going on because of a fire-damaged to their home and were sick of staying a hotel, CEO”s come in for 3 days , but mostly guests visiting family members for a few days coming to see newborns of there kids having kids from the UK.,Israel, Denmark, Japan.
I have never had a problem with anyone of these guests. And this has helped me out tremendously since I lost a love one that contributed to my loving home financially, a home I don’t wish to lose…..

So to the ignorant person that has threatened to call the IRS on your neighbor, you are a despicable neighbor that “ASSUMES” we don’t pay our taxes , with no proof what so ever !!!! So please call them and rear your ugly head out to all of us. Think of us when your having your $500 spa day and stuff your face with tartare. and getting your manicure and hair colored, god it’s been so long for me Maybe you should try getting a job so you wouldn’t have so much time on your hands to judge everyone around you. Make no mistake about, YOU ARE the person people talk about in town behind your back, and rightfully so you play the role so eloquently, ponder that the next time your gossiping, we all see right through those people, they are the black sheep in our community’s !!!!!!!

Unlike the bloviators here, I actually spent the time to do some research regarding my concerns about liability coverage and Air bnb provides coverage. I doubt the ban will stand and if it does, you’ll have neighbors spying on each other and calling the cops when a stranger parks in a driveway or goes into a house. Kind of echoes some activities from 80 odd years ago… maybe we’ll have to carry our “resident” papers too…

21 thoughts on “Readers defend AirBnb in Ridgewood

  1. Ab absurd post to defend an illegal motel model.

    I have had to – on two occasions – move out of my house temporarily for renovations. I have had family visit from across the country as well as abroad. In every case, we were very easily able to find accommodation in one of the dozens of hotels in the area. There was no need whatsoever to illegally rent a room in someone’s house.

    There was no Airbnb till a few years back and no one has ever had any problem finding a place to stay when visiting family.

    The truth of the matter is that some selfish residents of the village are out to make a quick buck for themselves, whatever the risk to their neighbors. Ridgewood is not a shore or ski town, where all homes are investment/vacation properties and there is a tremendous traffic of short term visitors. This is a regular resident town with long term residents. No one living here expects a stream of random out of town visitors popping in and out of the next house.

    And it is not just Ridgewood. Even cities like New York – where strangers are the norm rather than the exception – are pushing back hard against this sort of illegal motels being operated out of residential buildings.

  2. I thought the Facebook comments about renting a house for a golf tournament or Super Bowl type event were also illuminating.

    The reason NYC or Los Angeles are against Air B&B is because it kills hotel tax revenues. They lose millions yet even they cant actually ban short term rentals. There is no way this law holds up but it will cost some homeowner and all of us taxpayers to work it through the system.

    These knee jerk reactions to public comment has to be tempered. The mess with that parking near Whole Foods is a similar situation (from the past council). It is great to listen to the public and to try to find solutions but elected officials cannot just react. They are elected to be a deliberative body that analyzes both sides of an issue and finds solutions. These mistakes are costly in time and tax payer money.

  3. The ban will stand.

  4. People like the AirBnB folks just keep destroying the character of Ridgewood… keep hollowing out its core goodness.
    Pretty soon we’ll be just a town with nice old houses and pretty old trees (although there are many in town, hell bent on cutting down all the trees too)

  5. No matter what the writer pretends, the Airbnb folks absolutely do not declare this income to the IRS.

  6. My problem with this law is that it basically requires that neighbors police neighbors. If the town wants to regulate short term rentals then also figure out a way to monitor the violators without involving everyone telling on each other.

  7. God forbid you leave n extra car on the steet if the kids friom school or inlaws cone for weekend. The nanny state demands you call and beg the police permission to park your own auto or families car in front of your small house. Its a busy bodie town neighbirs grinding pole axes on esch other. , get a life already

  8. 5:09 no boby likes a ratty nany home offices are writtten off every year some legit dome not

  9. This is hilarious… ignorant posters such as 4:00 are probably are members of it takes a ridgewood village on fb but are afraid to show their true colors…just spy on your neighbors you pathetic loser…

  10. 6:24… with the population of bored busybody losers here it’ll be like Christmas 24/7….

  11. I completely agree with the ban on Air BNB. Who the hell are these people to think they can just start renting to strangers and advertising all over the internet. Excuse me, I live in a quiet suburban neighborhood with private homes. I do not want a hotel next to me or on my block. If someone is coming in from out of town, go to a nearby hotel, a legit hotel. People who worry about their neighborhoods are not pathetic losers and it is wrong to characterize them as such. I am glad that this was brought to the attention of the Town Council and that they stopped it. Towns all over the country are banning airbnb. As well they should.

  12. pesmith it seems to me you are the biggest bored busybody loser of all.

  13. I don’t eat tartare Suxanne and I don’t color my hair. I work full time (legally) and report my income. I am sorry you lost a loved one, but that does not entitle you to make your neighborhood into a commercial zone illegally. It is not your neighbors’ responsibility to solve your financial problems by turning their backs on your illegal business.

  14. 7:51..sad but sometimes true…

  15. The ban will stand, it better stand.

  16. Now we know that the neighbors are not compassionate.

    Sarah will be policing this because she has nothing better to do

  17. What bullshit 7:16 about neighbors not being compassionate. Compassion does not need to extend toward letting neighbors open an illegal hotel. Don’t play the sympathy card. It does not work here.

  18. Agree 9:39.

  19. How about opening a house of ill-repute ? . Over the years there have been rumors about the existance of such places in Ridgewood

  20. The joke’s on you people…I posted to this line of babble last time round explaining that my lawyer and I are awaiting patiently for the gendarmerie to appear with summons in hand and its been weeks now, and a no-show. My Air posting was just updated and I have guests for the next 4 weeks…and NOTHING is being done about it and nothing will. As much as I would love to duke it out and win on the knee jerk reaction of a feeble municipal council so far so good. The sharing economy along with e commerce is going to bury your “Village” if you people don’t get with the program. And 5:09 your right we DO NOT report this income to the IRS…Why? Because we don’t have to. Short term rentals of 14 days or less is a non taxable event. But you not would know that because you did not even bother to look. Did the VC even bother to inquire about the Collect And Remit feature that Air offers in order to collect local revenue? Maybe offset the absurd taxes in said town? No, lets no bother with that. See you in court.

  21. see you in court.

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