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Readers may debate Village of Ridgewood Managers Effectiveness , but most agree Her opinion is of no importance to any discussion


Far as I know there are five elected officials. I do not recall seeing Roberta’s name in the voting booth. Her opinion is of no importance to any discussion and I wish she would keep her mouth shut. There are two very obvious misogynists in the bunch – one wears his balding head for all to see and one covers his with a cheap rug. They have no use for women, none. If Roberta were not doing their calling, talking their talk, walking their walk, they would oust her instantly.

Roberta has no business………..NONE WHATSOEVER………..interjecting her opinion into anything. She takes sides and argues with the Council Majority and with residents. No, Sir Rurik, this is not about her being a woman. What a pitiful sidetrack you are trying to get on. Her double-X chromosome is not at issue here. What is at issue is that she is way way too big for her britches, so to speak. She thinks she is an elected official when she absolutely is not.

25 thoughts on “Readers may debate Village of Ridgewood Managers Effectiveness , but most agree Her opinion is of no importance to any discussion

  1. Totally agree, when this woman first arrived on the scene i thought it would be a breath of fresh air instead she has become toxic. Stay out of council meetings unless she is directly involved, you are not a elected official. You also should not be doing the bidding of the three stooges.

  2. She takes to social media to advocate for projects proposed by the joined-at-the-hip council members.

    Is it just a coincidence that she never uses social media to advocate for the interests of Councilmembers Knudson and Sedon?

    Is her allegiance due to the fact that she owes her job to the three bimbos? Will she ever run for office on her own?

  3. Was never qualified and is overreaching her minimal power. Goodbye.

  4. From the look of her Linkedin profile, she has had a very average career and I believe that this current gig is the best paid job she’s ever had. She is simply protecting her own long-term career prospects by riding this horse for as long as she can. She does not work for the Village. She works for the Mayor.

  5. Agreed 11:38. The Mayor and his two running mates hired her and can very easily fire her. Unfortunately I think that Matt Rogers is in the same position. The moment he offers counsel that does not suit the Council majority’s agenda, he will be gone.

  6. Then the Mayor should pay her

  7. She does not work for three council members, the taxpayers pay her salary. She should not be involved in political issues.

  8. Everyone is right. She is disgraceful. Standing in Van Neste with Aronsohn promoting the parking referendum (with their MISINFORMATION). She has not business, none at all, promoting any agenda.

  9. The Mayor does per her. With your money.

  10. Aha, now I understand. Like the hired help on Downton Abbey, she should be seen and not heard?

  11. Come on, enough with all the negativity about Roberta. Ok to complain about any or all of the elected officials but for heaven sake leave the employees out of it.

  12. Rurik, it is not her job to promote the agenda of a specific faction of the Council. Her job is to manage the day-to-day business of the Village.

  13. 3:22, as long as she’s allowed to pretend to be the 6th council member – hired, not elected – then she is open to public scrutiny.

  14. 3:22pm . she doesn’t behave like an employee. I remember my first meeting with her. She introduced herself to me as “like the CEO”.

  15. 3:22pm this woman put herself in the middle so she is just getting what she deserves.If she does not like it or her friends do not like it then tell her to stick to her day job.

  16. she,s a scam

  17. She works for the TAXPAYERS not for three council members. In a divided council she should be neutral.

    Nothing sexist about that.

  18. Her abrasive, intrusive demeanor at public meetings puts her in the line of fire for all this criticism. She is also nasty to employees all the time – it is legend how she speaks to and about them. She attempts to intimidate the council minority as well as members of the public who come to meetings to speak. There is no limit to her perceived power. The problem is, she is not an elected official, she does not have a vote, and she should shut the hell up and manage the day-to-day operations of the town without trying to be an elected official. She should and will be gone on July 2nd. Bye Bye Miss American Pie.

  19. IF, and that is a big IF, Roberta was so determined to align herself with some on the council in opposition to others, she would have been smarter to side with Susan and Michael. Susan and Michael are honest, ethical, smart, investigative, and do not have private agendas. Problem is, they are a minority, and Roberta needs to keep her job. I would bet that Paul, Gwenn, and Albert “suggested” that she never speak against them – we are all aware how they can “suggest” things, as in threatening residents, tampering with people’s jobs, overlooking physical attacks on citizens, etc.

    Roberta should have simply kept her big mouth shut, remained neutral, and done her job. Because she overstepped her bounds, and does so incessantly, she has one foot out the door and in July the door will hit her on the backside as she is fired.

  20. Really sophomoric comments 9:00pm; apparently your ego has taken over your brain. Village Hall was ineffective and treated residents with indifference before the current VM streamlined the organization to a customer focused, responsive model. It’s a shame you’re pining for the old inefficiency, with different processes and budgeting software in different departments that created opportunities for conflicts of interest, theft of parking meter quarters, graft, and likely outright theft of taxpayer funds above and beyond the Rica affair. It’s a shame “perceived power” is your guiding principle. Effective, cost efficient, and best practice municipal government should be the goal, and just because you don’t like the VM’s style in achieving that goal doesn’t mean she’s light years ahead of the previous incumbents who fostered an environment rife with opportunities to abuse Village taxpayers. Six sigma black belt – look it up, and check your ego at the door.

    1. lol this is a hysterical response only someone who works for the government could call the Village hall “streamlined the organization to a customer focused, responsive model”
      early to be drinking????

  21. Is her greatest accomplishment communications? The village website needed a fix and it is better. It could have been much better. We all use the internet and have experience with good websites so our expectations were not met.

    She emails a lot more and that is good. Cheap and easy communications. She refers residents to the village calendar which is silly. I have not used Any paper calendars in years. When changes are made they (maybe) update their website. Those following the calendar will be out of sync. This can lead to problems with trash collection and tickets for leaf removal.

    On the leaf issue. The council should admit that they implemented a flawed system and start over for next year. It is insane to send a ticket two months after the event and pretend that residents have the right to appeal. It was devised to make money.

    Her use of social media is basic partisan politics. The women use social media and the men-folk do not. Interesting divide.

  22. Please retire this article…can’t stand looking at it anymore…truth indeed hurts…off the couch ridgewood..sign the Petition…that conversation and issue is quite real…unlike the current VC and their Agendas

  23. 6:02am you learnt all those buzz words during six sigma black belt program? Unfortunately they don’t help in real world. Those buzz words can help you when you are dealing with stock holders and board meetings, but the residents are pretty smart in this village.

  24. her and her lap dog need to go.

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