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Ridgewood Board of Education Updates on the Search for New Superintendent of Schools

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood Board of Education has initiated a search for a successor Superintendent of Schools.  To assist and counsel the Board through this process, we have retained the services of Hazard, Young, Attea & Associates (HYA), a consulting firm that specializes in assisting school boards in identifying and recruiting executive level educational leaders.


There are four phases to the HYA search process.  Those phases are engagement, recruitment, selection, and transition.  The engagement phase consists of designing and planning a process of engaging the Board and stakeholders through interviews, online surveys and focus groups. Information from these interactions will assist the Board in developing a leadership profile and selection criterion that match the priorities of our community and that meet the unique needs of the students who are served through the Ridgewood School District.  This disciplined, inclusive, and research-based approach will be designed to ensure all stakeholders have an opportunity to be part of the search process and will provide valuable feedback about the school district that will assist the search firm in better understanding our district in the broader marketplace.

Information about the Superintendent Search can be found on the district website. Community members have an opportunity to be part of the search process by participating in the community stakeholder survey or by attending any of the community forums. The community forums are scheduled as follows:

    • Thursday, October 27, 2022 – 10:00 AM: Community Forum Focus Session 1 – Virtual
    • Tuesday, November 1, 2022 – 6:30 PM: Community Forum Focus Session 2 – In-Person
    • Wednesday, November 2, 2022 – 6:00 PM: Community Forum Focus Session 3 – Virtual

3 thoughts on “Ridgewood Board of Education Updates on the Search for New Superintendent of Schools

  1. Who would want this job…?

  2. Lets make sure we find a conservative so we can get back to teaching Math, English, Science and History.

  3. ANOTHER superintendent ???

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