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Ridgewood Council members and Council Elect Members Place Flags to Honor Veterans

Ridgewood Honors Veterans
photos courtesy of Ramon Hache
May 22,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Council members Mike Sedon and Susan Knudsen along with Council elect members Jeff Voigt , Ramon Hache and Bernie Walsh spent the morning at Valleau Cemetery in Ridgewood placing flags at the graves of Veterans. Thanks to American Legion Post 53 and Andy Haderthauer for allowing us the opportunity to participate in this beautiful tradition.

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The kids were proud too, to take part in the placement of flags on the graves of veterans at Valleau Cemetery.

The tradition is that shortly before Memorial Day, American Legion members place U.S. flags on the graves of their fallen comrades at Valleau Cemetery.

The listing were incomplete and the Legion knew that their quiet tribute missed the graves of some veterans in the 33-acre cemetery. Some graves at Valleau go as far back to the Civil War.

In the past the Legion used what could only be described as a low-tech system for noting the graves of veterans. It consisted of seven plywood boards in the shape of sections of the cemetery. On top of the boards were worn-out sheets of paper with the names of the veterans and the plot numbers. A lot of those names and plot numbers are illegible . We just had to computerize the whole system.

17-year-old Boy Scout Andy Haderthauer, a junior at Ridgewood High School heard about the problem at a Memorial Day Service and applied his computing skills to come up with a solution. Haderthauer put in about 130 hours of work to set up a computerized a system .

With the help of Valleau Cemetery Superintendent Guy Kostka, Haderthauer began his project in August. First he put the board names on the computer list, then set out on a tour of the cemetery, looking over some gravestones that date to the early 1800s.

He also  the help of some buddies and fellow Scouts, saving him days of walking the graveyard alone and three months later, Haderthauer had made up his list, and then used software to display the information by name and plot number.

Last year, there were only 350 graves at Valleau that were known to be the resting places of veterans. Now, double that number have been identified through Haderthauer’s efforts.

The project gained Haderthauer recognition as an Eagle Scout and the gratitude of the daughter of Master Sgt. Charles Ernest Hosking Jr. – a winner of the Medal of Honor. Hosking, a 24-year Army veteran, was awarded the military’s highest decoration after he was killed by an explosion in Vietnam in 1967. He jumped on a Vietnamese prisoner who was about to set off a grenade, protecting his men from the blast.

12 thoughts on “Ridgewood Council members and Council Elect Members Place Flags to Honor Veterans

  1. Where are the 3 amigos ?

  2. didn’t they invite the entire Council? Mayor Hache looks good in the middle

  3. The council is invited every year. The three amigos chose not to show up every year.

  4. 7:59am, stop your efforts to try to create problems / differences between the newly elected council members. They are mature enough. They also have an army of people ‘watching’ to make sure people like you, who will work to ‘fail them’ are caught and exposed at a very early stage. Either get in line and work to improve Ridgewood, or if you try to create problems, be ready to get exposed.

  5. 9:52 – angry much??? The outgoing council could well have been there, what is the matter with them. They never miss an opportunity to get their faces in the newspaper. Now that they are out-going lame ducks, their true colors come shining through. They really never gave a damn about Ridgewood, and now that they are going out of office they cannot be bothered to even show face. The new council will be the best, just you wait and see.

  6. 9:52 – Well, you are either Albert or Paul or Gwenn, or of course Gwenns husband David.

  7. 9:52 says “get in line”? What is this, grade school? Your hateful comments expose you for who you are. You are libel for slander.

  8. 9:52 is nothing more than a nasty cyber bully, ignore her. Ramon had most votes, Jeff had second most votes. Only hypocrites would twist that FACT.

  9. It is so nice to see our” new council” out in force for such a wonderful event. They look congenial because they are! Susan was deprived the Deputy Mayor position last time when Gwenn was skyped in from Africa to cast her vote in Swahili! I hope Susan is our next Mayor but I would be thrilled to see any of the 5 holding court! All are extremely capable and know how to run a ” fair and balanced ” meeting!

  10. well off to a good start, bring the broom to village hall in july.

  11. thank you for honoring our veterans.

  12. 227–if Susan should have been Deputy based on votes than Hache should obviously be mayor this time based on votes. I would go Hache Mayor, Susan Deputy. Put Voigt on the planning board–he will have fun raising hell there. Mike gets screwed but if he can win re-election in 2 years might be able to muscle some more power.

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