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Ridgewood East Side Accident Sends Victim to Hackensack University Center Hospital

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ,  the Ridgewood Police are currently conducting an investigation into the exact circumstances of a Thursday evening, 05/14, single vehicle crash of an SUV on Henrietta Court, Ridgewood, in which the front driver’s side door was almost ripped from the vehicle, and its adult female driver was found lying in the street with serious injuries. The victim was transported by a Ridgewood EMS ambulance to Hackensack University Center’s main campus. A paramedic team from The Valley Hospital assisted Ridgewood EMTs with patient evaluation and transport. Washington Township Police also assisted at the scene as did members of Ridgewood Fire Department Engine Company #35.

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3 thoughts on “Ridgewood East Side Accident Sends Victim to Hackensack University Center Hospital

  1. Enough ambulance chasing. The victim doesn’t want these photos posted without their permission. Please stop.

  2. Any follow up on this? It such a weird story. Single vehicle accident and the prson is like 50 feet away from the car and nothing around that would cause the door to go backwards like that! Big foot attack?

  3. I always appreciate seeing the great job our first responders do. They are hard at work day in and day out and seeing their photos makes me proud. And I notice that Mr. Loving’s photos never ever show anything about the victims. Instead we see our police, EMT’s and firefighters in action. There has been a lot of negative bullshit about cops lately in Ridgewood. Thank you Mr. Loving for reminding us of how truly great they are.

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