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Ridgewood girl scouts earn Silver Award


FEBRUARY 12, 2016    LAST UPDATED: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2016, 12:31 AM

Girl Scout Troop 1326 completed their Silver Award project of restoring the fitness parcourse that lines the trails at Veterans Field and Maple Park. The course became open to the public on Nov. 20, 2015.

The Silver Award is the second-highest award given by the Girl Scouts of America and the highest award Girl Scout Cadettes may receive.

“Not a lot of individuals across the country finish the award,” said Troop 1326 leader Bernadette Walsh.

Four Girl Scout cadettes from Troop 1326 carried out the project: Katie Doyle, Erin Shevlin, Celeste Walsh and Chloe Young.

“They chose an ambitious project. They were thinking of things that would be sustainable and have an impact on students and adults,” Walsh said. “They all live in Ridgewood and have seen the old parcourse’s decay, so that’s how they came up with this idea.”

The scouts removed two stations and rehabilitated the push-up and knee-lift apparatuses from the parcourse’s original 18-part layout. They also added numerous new equipment, including a chin-up bar, balance board and balance plank.

One thought on “Ridgewood girl scouts earn Silver Award

  1. Run Bernie Run

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