By Charles Stampul
Posted at the entrance of the Ridgewood library and the top of ridgewoodlibary.org:
“Masks are required for unvaccinated visitors and strongly encouraged for all. Masks are required for all in the Children’s Center.”
The decision by director Nancy Greene was articulated at the July 27 library board meeting. During the meeting, held via Zoom, Ms. Greene stated:
“At present, the Library is following government guidelines stating that: Unvaccinated people must wear a mask in all parts of the library. Vaccinated people have the option of wearing or not wearing a mask in most areas of the library. Everyone must wear a mask in the Children’s’ Center. Staff regularly monitors conditions and regulations, and will adjust the policy to maintain safety.”
Ms. Greene was not asked to clarify exactly which “government guidelines” require vaccinated people be separated from unvaccinated people? Why library personnel should be in a position of asking individuals about personal medical procedures or forcing patrons to wear masks? Why books and services should be withheld from people who help pay for them? What is the purpose of the policy, since there is clear scientific evidence that masks and vaccines have nearly no impact on Covid? Should a public library be engaging in medical apartheid?
There was no debate at all. The director’s decision was rubber stamped by Board members in attendance Gail Campbell, Vikrant Arora, Rei Shinozuka, Janis Fuhrman, Carolyn Holt, Ann Brown, Susan Knudsen.
For another winter, children who do not wear masks will not be able to enter the children’s library.
We do not comply
It’s always Nancy’s way or the highway. Why would this issue be any different?