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Ridgewood Parents Voice Concerns With Overcrowded Kindergartens

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the staff of the Ridgewood

Ridgewood NJ, once again poor planning and misrepresentation of the impact of high density housing by both previous Village and the Ridgewood Board of Education officials  have come back to bite the Ridgewood taxpayers .  Parents have voiced concerns over how the  lack of aides in kindergarten classrooms is affecting students’ safety and learning .

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The district was shortsighted when it set up three kindergarten classrooms each with 22 children and only one teacher at Ridge Elementary School .  Meanwhile the high density housing that residents were assured over and over again would have no impact on the school system , seems to adding more bodies to classrooms.

There have also been  “challenging behavioral problems,” which some parents blaming pandemic  learning disruptions  while other credit poor parenting . Ridgewood like most district continues to claim remote learning negatively impacted children, but many parents the Ridgewood Blog spoke with were shocked to realize  the kids are not really learning anything , lacked critical thinking skills and are over reliant on googling everything.

Educators have continued to maintain that during the pandemic, preschool and kindergarten students where not introduced to socialization and school routines.

6 thoughts on “Ridgewood Parents Voice Concerns With Overcrowded Kindergartens

  1. There’s no high density housing in Ridge’s district, no?

    1. The Benjamin and Chestnut Village are both in the Ridge District. NoMa may be as well.

  2. If the parents are shocked remote learning doesn’t work, they need to go back to school.

  3. NJ . gov took down the Trans guide on its website (you now get a 404 Error – page not found)


    Here is a link to the NJ . gov Trans guidance Document that a local school district has physically copied to its website:


    1. forget about overcrowding…

      I just read this Guidance Document.

      You need to read it and find out what they are teaching your kindergarteners

  4. Keep on building schmucks.

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