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Ridgewood Parents Voice Concerns With Overcrowded Kindergartens

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the staff of the Ridgewood

Ridgewood NJ, once again poor planning and misrepresentation of the impact of high density housing by both previous Village and the Ridgewood Board of Education officials  have come back to bite the Ridgewood taxpayers .  Parents have voiced concerns over how the  lack of aides in kindergarten classrooms is affecting students’ safety and learning .

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Ridgewood Kindergarten Registration Now Open

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Registration for children who will enter kindergarten or be new first graders to the district in September 2022 opens on January 15, 2022. Ridgewood residents can register online only by completing the registration process no later than February 13, 2022.

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Ridgewood Kindergarten Registration is Feb. 5, 7



Registration Completion at Elementary Schools
Tuesday, February 5th and Thursday, February 7th from 3:30 – 4:30 P.M.
                    for more information click here to see Dr. Fishbein’s letter

  • You must complete the New Student Online Registration process before you attend the scheduled registration dates.
  • On the scheduled registration dates, come prepared to present a birth certificate for your child, as well as proof of residency. Medical forms must be returned to the school office before June 1, 2019.  See below for proof of residency and other required documents.
  • Age Requirement for Kindergarten Students – Children must be five years of age on or before October 1 for admission to kindergarten in September. 

Continue reading Ridgewood Kindergarten Registration is Feb. 5, 7
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Reader says taxpayers pay for the “red shirting” in Ridgewood


Redshirting is the practice of postponing entrance into kindergarten of age-eligible children in order to allow extra time for socioemotional, intellectual, or physical growth. This occurs most frequently where children’s birthdays are so close to the cut-off dates that they are very likely to be among the youngest in their kindergarten class. ( )


A gifted athlete will always shine. Parents hold back because they think that one more year will make their kid a gifted athlete. Doesn’t work that way.

A ridgewood parent held his son back because the boy was small. Got news for them, dad is small too. One year won’t make him taller.

I have heard of parents holding back in 8th grade. Manipulating the system. And yes, taxpayers pay for the red shirting. One year 2 eighth grade best friends were magically held back at the expense of taxpayers. I don’t know if the gamble paid off. Never saw the names in the sports pages.

Do you think all day K will stop this problem? It is just another gift for a minority of taxpayers. Taxes are the gift that keep on giving.

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Reader says currently 71 percent of parents pick up their kids from kindergarten and drive them to another day half day program


It’s a done deal. I watched the Board of ED meeting last night and they said that currently 71 percent of parents pick up their kids from kindergarten and drive them to another day half day program. If those parents vote, the full day program will be implemented.

I think, not positive, that they said the cost to taxpayers would be about a little over $100 a year for each household.

I am not for it. They said kids get to more time for unstructured make believe play, imaginative play and socialization in the full day program.

I believe that unstructured make believe time should occur in a quiet setting where the imagination and creativity can best be free to roam without interruption and noise from a roomful of other kids.

As far as socialization is concerned , it happens folks just by living in a family, even if you are an only child. I mean hey, kids don’t live in that Emma Donaghue(spelling) Room (novel)setting. But if that’s what life is like with working mothers, that is the way it is going to be.

I sure wouldn’t want some teacher over my head while playing with my dolls and puppets. I remember being happy to come home after kindergarten and make up my own world. Try telling that to the types who teach young kids nowadays….ha ha ha. Real rigid unimaginative types with stereotypical ideas. By the way, I would love to read my first grade report card to the teachers who want full day kindergarten , after having only a half day of kindergarten before first grade. It is from 1949 and says how independent I was, that I didn’t need any prodding to do an assignment and that I loved to share my experiences with the class. We had sharing time. I had one sibling four years younger. So really no playing with a one year old. No pets at that time. A mother at home, a father working outside the home.

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Ridgewood “On Nov 8th, Say NO to full day K.”

"On Nov 8th, Say NO to full day K

August 14,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood

Ridgewood NJ, a new event has been launched via Facebook, “On Nov 8th, Say NO to full day K.” encouraging voters to reject the Full Day Kindergarten .

“Ridgewood schools have over 100 Million $ ANNUAL budget. They can raise the taxes upto 2% without your vote, without your agreement. The Board of Ed has to put a question on November ballot and ask the tax payers only if they have to raise the taxes by more than 2%.
If they cannot accommodate full day K with 2 Million ANNUAL increase, please don’t approve full day K.
Vote “NO” for the Full-day-K question in November. Don’t give them the power to increase our taxes above and beyond 2% which they can do without our vote.
Once it’s increase, every year they can add 2% on TOP of that, without your approval.
On Nov 8th, Say NO to full day K. – Vote NO on question 2.”

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Full-Day Kindergarten Pitch is Another NJEA Kickback. Period.


Posted by Matt Rooney On March 04, 2016

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

We’ve been down this road before. Back in in 1998, Save Jerseyans, the U.S. experimented with full-day kindergarten via the lauded Head Start program.

The experiment failed. Miserably.

Read the government’s own Head Start Impact Study Final Report which reported “no significant impacts were found for math skills, prewriting, children’s promotion, or teacher report of children’s school accomplishments or abilities.” They spent $7 billion per year on nothing.

More like False Start.

But despite the mountain of evidence proving it’s an expensive, valueless exercise, Trenton Democrats are resurrecting the cause right here in New Jersey. Shocker.

Senator Teresa Ruiz’s bill is a $78 million plan to force the 20% of New Jersey’s public school districts not currently offering full-day kindergarten into doing so. Her estimate is low. You’ll feel it in your property tax bills soon enough if it becomes law. The superintendent of Wayne’s schools reports that the proposal will cost $2.1 million for his district alone and likely bust the 2% cap unless major cuts are made in other areas.

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Registration for Fall 2016 Kindergarten Entrance is February 2, 4
Registration takes place at the elementary schools from 3:30-4:30 on Tuesday, February 2 and Thursday, February 4

Click here for the letter and list of registration information.
Click here for required registration forms.

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Ridgewood schools surveying residents on full-day kindergarten


JANUARY 8, 2016    LAST UPDATED: FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 2016, 12:31 AM

The school district is currently surveying residents for their opinions on the possibility of implementing full-day kindergarten.

The survey, which runs through Jan. 21, is available at The data will be presented to the school board in February.

Those without computers can take the survey from 4-6 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 12 at Benjamin Franklin Middle School, 335 North Van Dien Ave., Room 102; or Wednesday, Jan. 13 at George Washington Middle School, 155 Washington Place, Room 248.

“The community survey will be used to gather information on the perceptions about our current kindergarten program and to assist us with determining the feasibility of transforming it to a full-day program,” said Cheryl Best, the district’s assistant superintendent for curriculum, instruction and support. “We hope that everyone will participate.”

The district hired a demographer, Ross Haber, to determine the feasibility of switching from half-day to full-day kindergarten. That report was presented to the Board of Education this past fall.