![Ridgewood Police Implement Body Cameras external content.duckduckgo 20 scaled](https://theridgewoodblog.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/external-content.duckduckgo-20-scaled.jpg)
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood Police Department is excited to announce that we have joined the growing ranks of law enforcement agencies who are implementing body worn cameras (BWC). The cameras will be used in accordance with the guidelines established by the New Jersey Attorney General and the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office directive. Our officers will be using the Axon Body 3 camera, which is a small lightweight device, but with a wide field of view. The BWC will be mounted on an officer’s shirt, vest, or outmost garment and will point away from the officer in order to capture whatever is in the camera’s view. Citizen who interact with police officers could be recorded on the body cameras. Our hope is that by employing this technology, we will continue to build a positive relationship will all of our residents and those visiting and working in the Village.
Again it appears that Pickleball players are being discriminated against. The Glen Courts pickleball courts have limited hours and days which they can be used. Three of the residents who complained about the sound live further from the courts than is necessary for restrictions. Gail Howard and Alan & Gladys Chinitz live on the other side of the field on which is played soccer, lacrosse, baseball & softball. Simon Lee, an affable neighbor, bought his home October 2020 from Carole Kling. The PB courts were already there. There was much playing at that time due to covid and non-residents also had badges. The courts were active until the Mayor locked them on 12/31/20. There was a sound study done which proved that the sound was lower than allowed. It is hard to understand why closing the Glen courts on Mondays & Fridays makes a difference to the sound. People who work during the week may have a three day weekend and would like to play on one of those days. There doesn’t seem to be a logical reason for those two days to have empty courts. Most of the pickleball at Glen Courts is played for two hours in the morning and is played as doubles. The rest of the time the courts are not in use except for occasional games in the afternoon. If it rains on the days the courts are open then there is no play at all. From what I understand the fields and courts in the village should be treated the same.
Be aware guys and gals, it’s a two edged sword.
It can get you out of trouble in many cases, but professional courtesy goes out the window.
I could last about 2 hours working in LE today.
Body cams are a great idea. Long overdue in fact.
Those who give up Freedom for Safety, Deserve Neither
I just hope that they are the akways-on kind, and not the kind where the officer can switch off.
“Those who give up Freedom for Safety, Deserve Neither”
I’m trying really hard to understand what connection this statement has to the article about police body cams. What on earth do police body cams have to do with freedom?
Privacy IS Freedom.
Get it now?
Are the police officers earning extra pay for wearing this, or they have no choice
I don’t understand resistance to body cameras. Everyone with a cell phone can record anyone they want…including the police… so why can’t/shouldnt the police do the same?