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Ridgewood Police Question Several Individuals on Vets Field Baseball Diamond Damage

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, several individuals were questioned by Ridgewood Police Department Patrol Officers late Thursday night regarding an incident in which the driver(s) of a vehicle(s) allegedly drove onto a baseball/softball diamond at Vets Field and performed “donuts.” Employees from the Village’s Parks Department were observed repairing the damaged infield this morning.

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13 thoughts on “Ridgewood Police Question Several Individuals on Vets Field Baseball Diamond Damage

  1. Are there no windows at the Police Department? This is up there with graffiti across the street from the Glen Rock PD.

    1. I guess you mean the Latin Kings graffiti that was on the utility box by the Glen Rock Inn.

      the stuff that appeared just before the kid was arrested for selling drugs out of his house……………….

      1. Police should nip this problem in the bud. Save the whole community from going down the drain.

        1. too late for that

  2. Field art

  3. They must have thought they were in the Graydon Swimming Pool.

  4. Again we are talking about stupid things that go on, how come there are no gates to block cars from entering the field. Why is this. What happens if there was events going on on the field and some cuckoo bird of a person feels like driving on the field can you imagine. This can be avoided if our upper top officials start using They are heads. They need to make a complete sweep of the village of Ridgewood for safety. Safety should be number one. It’s amazing how they have surveillance on all employees but no surveillance on areas of the town that could be hazard. The village would be responsible. Install gates at all openings of playing fields. Unfortunately we are in a new world. The village is turning into a small city like it or not.

    1. …because civilized people don’t need GATES to behave properly.

      That WAS the way Ridgewood was when it was “Right Leaning”.

      1. Ridgewood went in the shitter when it went from being ”Reliably Republican” to split then Democrats. Unfortunately this is what happens when the liberals move here from New York City. They bring their attitudes and bad habits.

  5. I guess the CCTV security cameras at Village Hall and the library were all out of service?

  6. You don’t think they’re going to pay someone to watch these cameras all day long do you. They’ll just record and if Something Happens they could always rewind and investigate.

  7. Just install gates fixed the problem, then everyone is safe

    1. /*CONFUSED*/

      I thought Walls Don’t Work.

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