April 27, 2020
Dear Ridgewood School Community,
While we have not received any official notification from the Governor, I sense that people are slowly coming to the conclusion that schools may not reopen and remote learning may continue for the duration of the school year. Governor Cuomo stated in one of his press conferences that particular challenges or events define many generations. The Spanish Flu, World War II, the Vietnam War, and 9/11 are examples of historical events that had a lasting impact; similarly, this global pandemic will be a landmark moment for this generation.
A decision to remain closed through June would also mean that our end-of-the-year traditions would not occur. I am saddened by this personally and for our entire community; besides religious and life celebrations, promotion ceremonies and graduations are significant milestones, and each student deserves to experience these glorious moments with each other, their families, and their entire school community. Our 5th and 8th-grade promotions may not be the same as in 2019, but they will still be meaningful, appropriate, and certainly memorable. The Class of 2020 graduation may not be the grand, century-old traditional graduation, but everyone will remember this unprecedented period in our country.
We are in this together and must set our expectations to what can safely occur concerning celebrations against the backdrop of our present situation. The Ridgewood Public School administrators understand the importance of promotions, prom, senior year, and graduation. We will do our best to celebrate these moments in a safe, appropriate, and meaningful way.
In honor of our seniors, the Class of 2020, and in solidarity with high schools all over Bergen County and the state, #BeTheLight will show support by turning on the lights at RHS stadium every Friday night at 8:30 pm for 20 minutes and 20 seconds. The lights will shine from Friday, May 1 through June 23. The RHS stadium scoreboard will also be lit on the first and last Friday in honor of our seniors.
Below is a link to a video that was created by present and past community members who came together to cheer us on and keep us strong through this crisis.
The Annual School and Municipal Election will be held on Tuesday, May 12. All registered voters will be receiving vote-by-mail ballots, and there will be no polling places in the May 12, 2020 elections. To see the PowerPoint that describes the Ridgewood Public School Budget, visit the District News on the RPS website at https://www.ridgewood.k12.nj.us/news/district_news/2020-2021_school_budget_presentation.
Our schools have been creating video messages for the students and community to remind everyone that we are still together. Please enjoy the examples below. More will be shared in next week’s update.
Orchard: https://tinyurl.com/y977qumo
Ridge: https://youtu.be/yo1VqxiW_Zk
Willard: https://vimeo.com/406701747