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Ridgewood Teen Caught Disrespecting Glen Rock Sikh Temple


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Glen Rock NJ, on October on Thursday October 22nd  at 5:23 p.m. a Glen Rock Police officer on patrol was flagged down by an official at the Sikh Temple who reported to her that an unknown male had entered the temple, refused to remove his shoes (which is their custom) and began taking pictures inside the building. The man was then asked to leave and fled the area.

Approximately two hours later the subject returned with a second male. They were skateboarding in the parking lot and taking photos. The complainant was able to provide cellphone photos of both subjects. Sgt. Mike Trover was able to identify one of the individuals as a 17-year-old Ridgewood male who was interviewed in the presence of his parent. He admitted to being at the Temple and being disrespectful to the members present. He was given formal notice against trespassing and directed not to return. Temple officials were satisfied and did not wish to further pursue the matter.

No word on whether the teen asked , “what does a Sikh ,seek ? “

5 thoughts on “Ridgewood Teen Caught Disrespecting Glen Rock Sikh Temple

  1. Piss Christ = Art
    Wearing shoes in Sikh Temple = Disrespect.

  2. Skateboarder? Not surprised.

    1. Scooter rider actually*

  3. That kid will never be able to make a purchase in a convenience store if the picture is posted

  4. Do I need to explain the username?

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