the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, mark your calendars! The League of Women Voters of Ridgewood is hosting a Ridgewood Village Council Candidate Forum on Wednesday, October 16, 2024, from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Ridgewood Village Hall (131 N Maple Ave, Ridgewood, NJ).
This forum is a great opportunity for Ridgewood voters to hear directly from the candidates, ask questions, and learn more about their platforms ahead of the election.
Submit Your Questions:
You can submit your questions for the candidates up to 48 hours prior to the event. The deadline is 7:30 p.m. on October 14, 2024. Send your questions to ridgewoodlwv@gmail.com.
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Must see teevee…
This might win biggest waste of time in Ridgewood.
Why would you say that. You will get to see Vagianos and his puppets lie to the audience in person. Telling us all of this great stuff they will do that they haven’t done in all of the time that they have been in office. But this time it will be different. It is the best of lies and the worst of lies. Will be great.
Any idea who will be moderating?
Vagianos puppets Siobhan Winograd will be manipulating the questions. She does it every year. She is a LVW insider.
I bet they won’t ask any important questions and even if a question or two slips by, no one is holding the lyers accountable.
Vagianos and his puppets lie all the time.
Former LWV board member and the person who took ur right to vote away.
Can out of towners like voight attend. That guy is all over Facebook with bad info
Voight is on another one of his smear campaigns but why? Does he have a personal vendetta to satisfy? coming from him given his shitty time on the council and being totally incompetent, it is kind of comical. No-one takes this DB seriously, doesn’t matter where he lives.
Hey! Don’t insult douche bags by comparing them to that guy. At least a douche bag has a use.
Thy guy was the biggest liar. Lied to our faces. He was awful. He’s a cheater too
Yes, I will say they accomplished a lot in the past year, but, remember they spent a lot of money. Money at that the village did not have. They borrowed a lot of money you go back 12 to 15 years. Budgets were tight And we could not do big projects or higher extra employees and buy all new equipment. and the top brass would say look at us we’re not raising taxes much, yeah that’s because you’re not replacing anything repairing anything, so you can’t have both ways just saying it doesn’t matter if you like the politicians or you don’t either way you can’t win
they accomplished a lot , like what?
One boondoggle after another.
Vagianos magical mystery tour sponsored by TapInto. But guessing by today’s article on pink slimy reporters, you now see the buckets of greasy cheese wiz behind the curtain.
Check out the front page of today’s Star-Ledger (10/11).
The dirty deeds done dirt cheap diner owner is not going to be happy!
Huh? What did they accomplish? Renting 14 store fronts to Barbershops?
They bought a $350,000 pavilion lightening shelter for Healthbarn and other special projects like $60,000 designer garbage cans and put ridiculous turtle crossing signs up but almost furloughed employees from the village last year. The website sucks and when they actually had a water emergency they screwed that up royally. The only thing they accomplished were project residents demanded like sidewalks and paving old streets, what did they accomplish?
And continued to give away a beautiful park to a business that is so loud and chaotic all Summer long. Nightmare.
And feed the frontlines millions. Maybe that’s where all the pet project mo ey is coming from 🤷♀️. There is no trace?!?
Then why are they spending 370 grand for Healthbarn pavilion? No other park has one? The fields need better maintenance NOT a pavilion that will be widely used by a business
Because the mayor is friends with the low rent paying tenant. Maybe owes her from FTFL. It is anyone’s guess. no one else is getting an almost $400,000 priced lightening shelter are they? When all is said and done with a golden toilet, that is what it will cost.
U can bet 3 of 4 candidates will be prep’d for the questions to be asked
Prepping responses on line shows already for “Bee Man” on the “Patch” Ridgewood.. (would you believe it)
You mean the greenwashing bee boy who loves nature but wants to roll out pfas plastic? I have seen a lot of posts. It is really pretty crazy.
Is it going to be Monitored by the one and only, Keith the snake, Kaz-Shark
NOOOOOo. Seriously???
Voit is a bigot idiot , and his buddy Hans is even a bigger racist
Why is this dud spud suddenly re-emerging onto the scene again after his bad council shenanigans. He has basically been living under a rock and apparently a rock that isn’t in the village of Ridgewood. Strange guy with a large ego.
And Roberta Sonenfeld popped out too recently. Gwen H and Jeff V. Bunch of losers with opinions that no one cares about anymore.
sorry the whole council, plus voit, hans , halabobby, and winggrat, are racists
halabody is more a complete a$$kisser than a bigot
It is Roar-Ick
This is like a mini democratic convention where Kwak (Tulsi) gets treated like dirt while PP (Kamala sort of) and PV (Walz) are treated with gloves while SW (Pelosi) commands the puppets. Hilarious forum.
Post of the day !
SW herself is a puppet of vagianos.. she can’t command anyone else.
will Pam Perron wear one of her many hats?
Will Vagianos tell people that PFAS is everywhere?
Will Frank the “Bee Man” Mortimer tell everyone what a lover of nature he is while voting for artificial turf?
These answers and other fascinating fun facts are sure to be revealed at the debate.
I for one hope Pam wears one of her hats. Indoors or not, I don’t really care.
are we going to ask the Mayor about the swinger parties he goes to in Paterson?
whats with the swinger parties?????????
are we going to ask Winograd why she wont sit near a dark skinned person?
everyone knows the white privilege winograd is a bigot