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Ridgewood Water is Looking to Remove all Lead Service Lines

vac truck

photo courtesy of Ridgewood Water 

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, as part of New Jersey’s legislative mandate to remove all lead service lines (including galvanized iron) by July 2031, water utilities need to determine the material type of every service line in their water system. Ridgewood Water continues its work to determine the service line material for those properties where the material type is currently unknown. We will be utilizing our Vac-Con truck to dig small holes in the right-of-way of properties, allowing us to expose both sides of the valve that connects the main in the street to the service line running to a home or business. We will then document the material type of both the main-to-curb (utility-owned) and curb-to-building (privately owned by homeowner/business) portions.

Once the work has been performed, Ridgewood Water staff will fill in the hole that was dug and will level with topsoil. When seasonally appropriate, Ridgewood Water will return to the property to seed, pave and or replace sidewalks as necessary in an effort to restore the right-of-way to its original condition.

Homeowners or businesses who are found to have a lead service line will receive a certified letter from Ridgewood Water informing them of the material type that was found.

For the most up to date information regarding the material type of your service line please utilize our interactive map which can be found HERE.

Please contact Ridgewood Water Customer Service at (201) 670-5520 with any additional questions .

6 thoughts on “Ridgewood Water is Looking to Remove all Lead Service Lines

  1. Are they going to repave as well? These replacements leave holes much larger than the usual dig, and they are already sinking so wherever this was done will have the streets falling apart soon since they did no appear to have ‘infrared’ the patches to properly seal them. Newark and flint michigan got $$$ for this so if its not in the budget… FIND IT

  2. What are they doing about the “ needs further investigation?” On the map

  3. Well they did my house and my neighbors. I went outside and they told me I have a lead pipe going from the connection to my house, which appears I will have to pay for a replacement at one point.
    But note, they did not put soil back into the hole. They filled the whole thing with GRAVEL!!
    So, if they come to your house, and you see them, demand soil.

    1. Maybe it will be easier to remove the gravel when the replacement pipe is put in, and then soil will be used? Possible?

      Who handles it from here? Will they tell you they are going to put in a new pipe and then bill you, or is it up to you to figure it out (hope not)?

      Did they give you any indication of how much it will cost? Three figures, four?

    2. Are you a P.E.? It’s normal and necessary to bed a pipe with gravel, crushed stone or a course sand. It’s more supportive of the pipe, settles less and allows better water drainage away from your pipe then soil would.

  4. Haha love it.
    Time to sell it to Viola

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