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Ridgewood Water Issues Corrections on Consumer Confidence Report


Click HERE to view the corrected 2016 Consumer Confidence Report.

July 28,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, You should have received the 2016 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report that was mailed to you on June 30, 2016 (ClickHERE to view).  We hope you have had an opportunity to read the report and learn about the water quality parameters that we monitor and the contaminants we test for.

Ridgewood Water is a complex water supply system and our Annual Report is similarly complex. This year’s report may be even more challenging to understand because the pages appear in a different order than was intended.  Please be assured that all of the information has been included and nothing was omitted.

There are two corrections to the report, however, that you should know about.  On the first page of the Report, under “BACKGROUND INFORMATION,” the following sentences appear, “In 2015, Ridgewood Water exceeded the 15 ppb Action Level for Lead of which you were previously notified.  We are still working with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to correct this Issue.”  The year referred to is incorrect.  The lead exceedance occurred in 2012.  The treatment plan proposed by Ridgewood Water to correct this issue was approved by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and has been fully implemented.

In the section labelled “Unregulated Contaminants for Which EPA Requires Monitoring” the level detected for Perflourooctanic acid – PFOA and Perflourooctane sulfonic acid – PFOS are reversed.  The PFOA Range should be ND-0.04 and the PFOS Range should be ND-0.06.

To help consumers better understand the Annual Drinking Water Quality Report and to provide a special opportunity to ask questions and seek clarification, Ridgewood Water is sponsoring a daytime forum on July 27 at 9:00am in the Courtroom of Village Hall and an evening forum on August 2 at 7:00pm in the Youth Center of Village Hall. Consumers from all of the municipalities served by Ridgewood Water are invited to attend either forum.  Space is limited, so please register by contacting Donna Omelianuk, Ridgewood Water, at 201-670-5500 x271 or by email at Recordings of the forums will be made available online for those unable to attend.

One thought on “Ridgewood Water Issues Corrections on Consumer Confidence Report

  1. ok is it safe to drink.

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