the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, former councilmen Jeff Voigt, has developed a seemingly insatiable habit of sending a steady stream of letters to the various news outlets and social media sites. In these letters he includes exaggerations, off-the-wall opinions, and total falsehoods about all manner of Village of Ridgewood business. He clearly is driven by a hatred for one or two of his former council colleagues, and lets this flow in a diarrheic stream of false vitriol.
Obviously he did not get the message that ALL of the former elected council people got, namely that you leave office quietly and let your successors do their jobs as they see fit. Reilley, Killion, Pucciarelli, Shagin, Aronsohn, Hauck, Wellinghorst, Richie – all of them, and many more had opinions a’plenty, but they have been dignified and respectful in their retirement. Not so Voigt, who just won’t shut up (or won’t take his evil little hands off his keyboard); he takes zero responsibility for the havoc he wreaked and the unnecessary expenses he incurred for taxpayers while he was in his reign of error.
Now add to it Pam Perron, newly elected councilwomen , who at her swearing-in gushed about how Voigt had counseled her in all the details about being an elected official. And when she speaks, it might just as well be Voigt’s words coming from her pursed lips and gritted teeth (in fact, there is wide speculation that they ARE Voigt’s words). She looks and sounds miserable all the time on the zoom streaming meetings, and is as angry and acerbic as her self-named mentor. And then we have Jeanne Johnson, who was the campaign manager for Perron, spouting mouthful after emetic mouthful of out-and-out lies when she calls in to council meetings and posts on Facebook. The difference between her and Perron is that Johnson is sugary sweet with her acid delivery of bullshit; kind of like she’s the devil in disguise while Perron is simply the devil. In one of Voigt’s recent ridiculous letters he wrote something about if you say a falsehood often enough it somehow gets perceived to be the truth. It’s good he said that, because that is precisely what he, and his two little lady minions, are doing over and over. Sorry you three, we see right through y’all.
If you ever fantasized about what JV would look and act like in a dress, just look at PP.
Does anyone care or pay attention to what he writes or says?
Don’t know J Johnson.
All three are junk. Don’t worry, I know plenty of folks who tell me that they know these are junk but just usiy them.
Voigt, Master Demon. What a terrible mistake he was. He should shut up and find another hobby. Honestly could he be more pathetic?
Pitiful group. And add Rurik and Hans to round it out
Ummmmm no, I never fantasized about Voigt in a dress.
Gannett must be desperate for content as evidenced by the fact that they keep publishing that douche bag’s letters.
Does anyone think Aronsohn went quietly? He just knows how to get other people to be his mouthpiece. He moved to Ridgewood to ruin it and is not done yet.
Voigt’s letters could not be more boring or long winded. They all basically say the same thing in as many words as possible. If you attempted to read one you have read them all.
Did Paulie move out ?
Yeah I guess was the truth hurts.