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Study Shows Spam Call Epidemic in Decline During Coronavirus Pandemic


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

During Coronavirus we must take silver linings where we can.  A new study shows during the pandemic, spam phone calls – a non-medical epidemic – have declined 55% nationally with some states seeing as high as a 76% decrease. today released a study, Coronavirus Causing Decline in Spam Calls, after analyzing  one million consumer complaints to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a global pandemic on March 8.

Nationally, the number of complaints has steadily decreased every week.  March 8 saw a 15% decline, March 22 a 23% decline, and the most recent figures week of April 12 jumped to a 55% decline.

The 10 states seeing the largest decrease in spam are D.C. (76%), California (72%), Washington (72%), Montana (71%), Virginia (71%), Louisiana (71%),  Oregon (69%), NY (68%), Arizona (67%) and New Hampshire (66%).

While the slowing of spam calls likely correlates with the economic shutdown, Americans who receive spam calls remain encouraged to file a complaint with the FTC to continue to combat this issue facing our country.

2 thoughts on “Study Shows Spam Call Epidemic in Decline During Coronavirus Pandemic

  1. Spam emails are up though.

  2. that fake NJ police organization keeps calling. its a scam. hang up

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