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The Holiday Season is Here Please Remember to Lock Your Car, Take your Keys, and Hide any Personal Belongings

midland Park Police

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Midland Park NJ, the Midland Park Police Department reminds everyone ,as we enter the Holiday season please remember to lock your car, take your keys, and hide any personal belongings from open sight. Thefts from motor vehicles are crimes of opportunity. Reduce the opportunity and you reduce the risk of being a victim.

Monday a resident observed a male make entry into their vehicle while it was parked in front of their home. The suspect fled in a black Mercedes Benz that had a rear driver’s side tail light out. If you observe suspicious people/vehicles on your street please do not hesitate to call us at 201-444-2300.

3 thoughts on “The Holiday Season is Here Please Remember to Lock Your Car, Take your Keys, and Hide any Personal Belongings

  1. what did the suspect look like?

  2. its against the liberal media news to describe the suspect unless its a caucasion

  3. What Holiday season ?
    Valentines Day ?

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