October 2,2015
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Finally, it has become abundantly clear, that the current Council majority totally disrespects the will and wishes of the taxpayers of Ridgewood. The Ridgewood “elite” has woken from their Pinot Noir induced stupor and seen and heard the arrogance of the three worst Council members of all time.
They are, by far, the most self-serving, small minded nit wits ever to grace the dais. The jig is up! Their back room dealing and campaign donor promises, at the expense and pain of the Ridgewood taxpayers, have come to light and people now have seen the three deceitful Council members as they truly are.
Let them know it’s time to pack their “carpet bags” and move on. Al can go back to his day job, Gwenn can get back to her regularly scheduled nail and hair appointments and Paul can move to Washington and help Hillary pack for prison.
By the way October 13 is the last day to Register to Vote in Nov. 3 Election. On Tuesday, October 13 from 8:30am to 4:30pm, voter registration forms are available in the Village Clerk’s Office on the 5th Floor of Village Hall.
On October 13 from 4:30pm to 9:00pm the Village Clerk will be in the Ridgewood Library Lobby with forms to assist residents with voter registration.
In the 11:00 – 11:30 time slot you will see that Ms, Hauck was unacceptably rude to Mike Sedon, badgered him, chastised him for being sarcastic with her. like he was a bratty second grader. Honestly she is a train wreck. Someone elsewhere on the blog said people should not be so nasty about Ms. Hauck. I am sorry, she is nasty and she is rude and she deserves what people write about her. She should be brought to task for her incredible rudeness and unprofessional demeanor. Kudos to Mike for maintaining his calm. I wonder what Big Daddy Duke would say about his daughter’s temper tantrum?
Al is Ridgewood’s Trump!
You can pick up autograft pictures of the above at Village Hall.
She was panicking, knowing she would have to vote first without instructions. Looked as if she would implode. Independent thinking? HELLLLLPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!! Daddy!!!!!!!!!!!!
He’s just an arrogant, condescending prick. Who am I describing?
Wow James, what a smug and nasty post from your staff… “The Ridgewood “elite” has woken from their Pinot Noir induced stupor..” Huh?
“They are, by far, the most self-serving, small minded nit wits ever to grace the dais”? Say what? Village property taxes in Ridgewood were flat from 2012-2014, Village Hall is now much more businesslike and professional, the quarters theft which cost us $850,000 in Village revenues was exposed, and Valley’s expansion plans were blocked at the Planning Board level.
You can blame them for daring to root out the institutional rot that has set in to our CBD with decrepit car dealerships like Brogan Cadillac and Keith Smith Chevrolet as well as the Old Town Garage next to Ben & Jerry’s, but at least they are trying to move the Village forward instead of freeze wrapping it in the mists of history. Instead of the nasty name calling, what does your staff suggest in terms of big-ideas for would be Council members so as not to incur his or her wrath towards “small minded nit wits”?
Expense and pain of the Ridgewood taxpayers, are you serious? Village property taxes have been held flat under this Council versus 4-5% annual increases under the previous Council. A volunteer Financial Advisory Committee (FAC) was set up to provide extra advice for the Council on finical and budgetary matters. I suppose you find fault with them trying to increase the property tax rolls by adding new ratable properties? I find fault with them for not going after Valley’s “not-for-profit” status based on the Morristown case precedent. But you can’t say these efforts have been at the expense and pain of Ridgewood taxpayers, that’s just uninformed and factually incorrect.
so you say the new garage, sorry 2 new garages and all the infrastructure improvements needed for Ridgewood Water, Schools, sewage, police and fire as well as all the infrastructure improvements for the Valley Expansion ( oh yes now that the council tried to approve the high density housing the town dose not have a leg to stand on) , so when you build the 400 odd new housing units to the Village , non of these things wil cost the Taxpayers anything?? hummmmm really ??????
What a handsome man. All the women in the Village must swoon over him.
All Hail the three stooges!
Here they come PJ. The 3 Amigos spin machine is gearing up.
I thought there was a 2% cap law in Nj 6:11.
Ridgewood taxes were flat from 2012-2014. At what cost to service and infrastructure ? Lets see what the long tear effect will be to the Village from this political self-serving flat tax.
Hers the long term effect. The Mayor got to put it on his web site.
Hey Big Al heres a little advice for you. Don’t give up that day job because it will be the only one you will have affter the 2016
James the 3 Amigos will be long gone when the bubble they created burst and we will be left with the bill and the monuments of their arrogances
yes like like Captain (if you cant afford the taxes move) Jack
. A volunteer Financial Advisory Committee (FAC) . Right ! More liked had pick by our mayor from a group of our breath of fresh air village manager. Why doesn’t the Almighty FAC go over to the BOED and help them. That where 2/3 of property tax expense come from. Oh thats right they (FAC) members have kids in the school system.
Let us not forget how the current Council majority has attempted to publicly belittle, embarrass, and humiliate people who have gotten in their way. Remember if you will what they did to Tom Richie, Bernadette Walsh, Police Chief John Ward, Lorraine Reynolds, Susan Knudsen, and more. A bulldozer running wild.
Well since 6:11 brought up Financial Advisory Committee (FAC). Wo are the members? Who are the 2 new members the Council just appointed? Who were the past members? Do they or any of their immediate family have any ties to any Village departments such as the Library? Do they or any of their immediate family have any ties to any Developers? Do they or any of their immediate family have any ties to any The Chamber of Commerce? Our Mayor like to throw the TRANSPARENCY word around well let have it.
One more thing. Since they are advising the Village Council on finances have they completed a Financial Discloser Form and submitted the same to the Village?
State of New Jersey
Department of Community Affairs
Division of Local Government Services
Local Finance Board
Local Government Ethics Law
Financial Disclosure Statement
Financial Disclosure Statement must be filed by April 30
each year, or within 30 days of taking office
Attorney General Office Opinions providing guidance as to the positions deemed local government officers are
available on the Internet
, under Ethics
Requirements concerning the filing of this form are found in
22.1 et seq.
“Business org
anization” means any corporation, partnership, firm, enterprise, franchise, association, trust, sole proprietorship, union, o
r other legal entity;
“Governing body” means, in the case of a municipality, the commission, council, board or body, by whatever n
ame it may be known, having charge of the finances of the municipality, and, in the case of a county, the
board of chosen freeholders, or, in the case of a county having adopted the provisions of the “Optional County Charter Law,”
P.L. 1972, c. 154 (C.40:4
1 et seq.), as defined in the form of government adopted by
the county under the act;
“Interest” means the ownership or control of more than 10% of the profits, assets or stock of a business organization but sha
ll not include the control of assets in a
nonprofit entity or labor union;
“Local government agency” means any agency, board, governing body, including the chief executive officer, bureau, division, o
ffice, commission or other instrumentality within a county or municipality, and any
local authority, including any entity created by more than one county or municipality, which performs functions other than of
a purely advisory nature, but shall not include a school board;
“Local government employee” means any person whether compensated
or not, whether part
time or full
time employed by or serving on a local government agency who is not a local government officer, but shall not
mean any employee of a school district;
“Local government officer” means any person whether compensated or not
, whether part
time or full
time: (1) elected to any office of a local government agency; (2) serving on a local government agency which has
the authority to enact ordinances, approve development applications or grant zoning variances; (3) who is a member
of an independent municipal, county, or regional authority; or (4) who is a managerial executive or
confidential employee of a local government agency, as defined in section 3 of the “New Jersey Employer
Employee Relations Act,” P.L. 1941, c. 100 (C. 34:13
3), but shall not mean any employee of a school
district or member of a school board;
“Local government officer or employee” means a local government officer or a local government employee;
“Member of immediate family” means the spouse or dependent chi
ld of a local government officer or employee residing in the same household.
6:02 and 6:11 –
Hi Albert. Nice to see that you are one of the anonymous bloggers that you so openly despise! It is always great when you and your buddies weigh in and defend yourselves. How about you weigh in and admit that you have been WRONG. Do you remember Wednesday night – all the hundreds of people shouting out against the stupid plan that you and your development cohorts are pushing? Are we ALL wrong and you are the only one who is right?
I guess Albert’s opinion is the only one that counts since, after all, he is the only one who holds down a full time job.
WOW . When I look up
“Narcissistic personality disorder” The above picture appears.
Facts matter 7:53. How easily people forget that Village municipal tax increases under previous Councils:
2005: +4.8%, 2006: +4.8%, 2007: +7.7%, 2008: 6.7% (during a recession), 2009: 3.7% (during a recession), 2010: 4.8% (during a recession), 2011: 6.8%, 2012: 3.1%, 2013: 0%, 2014:0%, 2015: +1.2%. These compare with an inflation rate in North Bergen just under 2% since 2005
7:57am, the sad thing is that all of the growth in Village Municipal taxes have gone to pay higher wages & OT, pensions, accumulated leave payouts, and healthcare for Village public safety employees. That’s despite a 10% Village workforce reduction in 2010/11. All of the cuts in services are a result of the CBAs with Police & Fire which are crowding out all other spending for Municipal services. It’s only going to get worse, so unless all you care about is public safety wages, OT, pensions, retirement payouts for accumulated leave and healthcare, you might try to be honest about the reasons behind the lack of investment in infrastructure over the past 15 years.
Gee 8:59, why are you afraid of the FAC volunteers ? Could it be that they are questioning all of the unsustainable promises made in the cumulative Police & Fire CBAs of the past 15-20 years? The same contracts that have saddled Ridgewood taxpayers with almost $100mn in unpaid future liabilities for step wage increase, longevity pay, accumulated leave, and pension and healthcare benefits? Makes you uncomfortable when taxpayers ask questions?
No one afraid but the rules apply to them as with anyone else. You must be a past member or current member of that board. Can you answer the question of the above poster? Or are you going to deflect back to cop. Whats the matter did the above poster hit a never. I don’t care if you or anyone else volunteer for CBA they must properly vetted. Have they been and by whom? Are they special? Does the CBA have representatives from all Socioeconomic classes in the Village. Or is only the $20000.00 and above club allowed to join. Has any member recluse themselves form the meeting because their spouse is on another Village Dept. Has any member recluse themselves form the meeting because their spouse or their family have donated large sums of money to any Village Dept. ? Its not about cops, fireman ,teacher or any Village employee. Its about integrity. Something you and some people on the CBA no nothing about.
all this talking about the past has ZERO with the current issues
Your right James but thats all they have when taxpayers post ligament question on this blog. How dare we question the powers to be and their ” Volunteers”