Mr. Aronsohn –
In response to your email circulating Sunday afternoon; I was not on the list of recipients, but a friend forwarded it to me. You sent it to a selected list of “friends/neighbors,” yet you did so by blind cc. Therefore no one who received it knows who else got it. How strange.
Why would you send such an announcement to a selected, secret group of residents? Isn’t your suggestion of reintroducing the bond ordinance one that should be shared with ALL residents, not just a few? And more importantly, why wouldn’t this be suggested at an Open Public Meeting, with all five of our elected officials present, rather than in an email of this sort? I am baffled by your choices here.
I am one of the petitioners, as you are well aware. In fact, this morning I waved to you, called out and invited you to cross the street when you were watching us from the corner of Prospect and Hudson, but you opted to ignore my invitation and walk away without even waving back. As one of the petitioners, I am shocked to be characterized by you as participating in an initiative that is “fueled, in part, by misinformation and outright lies.” Why didn’t you cross the street and talk to us, or for that matter why didn’t you cross Maple Avenue yesterday when you were in the King’s parking lot watching us in the Elks Club? Indeed, in the interest of the civil discourse that you espouse so frequently, an actual conversation with us would have gone a long way. You would have learned, first-hand, that we are not fueled by misinformation and outright lies. We are being scrupulously accurate and honest in our endeavor.
Your suggestion that “The people of Ridgewood deserve better” is completely insulting. We ARE the people of Ridgewood; do you envision that all of us are somehow invaders from another town? As you have surely witnessed from your various observation posts in the last two days, we are not only the people of Ridgewood, but we are a large number or the people of Ridgewood. We are exercising our rights under the law, doing so pleasantly, appropriately, respectfully, and with accurate information. We are putting in long hours, in freezing temperatures and in the rain, and all for one common reason – because we care about Ridgewood.
How disappointing that such an unprofessional and potentially slanderous letter was sent by you in your official capacity.
Thank you,
Anne Loving,
Ridgewood Resident
isn’t bcc just a way of protecting the privacy of the recipients? it’s used in business settings all the time. why ascribe such nefarious connotations?
Anne Loving,
I prefer my email address remain private and only given to those whom I select and NOT sent out in an email by the mayor or anyone else for that matter. Maybe your not concerned with receiving emails from unknown third parties but I am….so I approve and appreciate the Mayor sending his correspondence by blind cc.
her point is that why was it sent to ‘some neighbors’ and not everyone in village’s mailing list.
Gee, cuz maybe Anne Loving would have compliained
9:47 AM poster here, Ummmm 10:20 AM did you miss the opening statement by Anne where she said………..
“You sent it to a selected list of “friends/neighbors,” yet you did so by blind cc. Therefore no one who received it knows who else got it. How strange.”
How Strange? I don’t find it strange at all. I stand by my comment made at 9:47.
Seems like the concern is that he slandered a whole group of citizens, insulted them, and then suggested that they are not part of Ridgewood? How nice. who are the select few who get to receive his hate mail?
Well I bet the people who are on Paulie boys secret list sure as hell don’t want to be identified. That would be the ultimate embarrassment to be outed as one of his spies. And we know he has quite a few.
9:47. bet you don’t want your name out there for various reasons. Paul will protect you.
Funny, I got the email from Paul, but my wife didn’t…
Interesting 12:11 PM, Why are you posting anonymously? That’s easy, I bet you don’t want your name out there for various reasons also. Touché.
If you call people, who are not liars. liars, then good manners would dictate that you at least say it to their face – in this case their email, or as an official statement out of the mayor’s office.
Additionally, the email in question gives important information about the issue at hand, so it’s not a “transparent” way to handle things. This situation is so contentious by now that personal feelings are obviously involved, but he is supposed to be handling it within the role of mayor, without his personal feelings getting in the way. Difficult maybe, but very necessary.
Paul essentially bad mouthed a group of concerned citizens in order to push along his own agenda. Or rather, Paul pulled a Paul. Today, evidence that he’s got others doing the rude, slanderous insinuating for him.
I wonder how dirty one feels once they’ve gotten in to bed with Paul.
Don’t worry Anne- I think business in the village is so slow, or has been doled out to so many other people, he has time to lurk in the shadows like the creep he is.
And the number of people that were in that email list would do nothing except show how few people actually support that low life’s positions at this point. I take it as a good sign to have been left off.
For the record, Anne Loving attaches her name to virtually everything she does. More than I can say for anyone wanting to bash her for her position. She stands by it front and center. Name attached. That’s a hell of a lot more respectable in my opinion than the choice to deliberately ignore a significant portion of your residents, bad mouth them, and try (and fail) to keep them from seeing it.
Sneaky skulduggery, insinuation, and outright attack, made possible and easy by the advent of email, is one of Aronsohn’s “contributions” to the Village’s political landscape. May it disappear when he does, and may that be soon.
Agree @ 12:58! Go Anne.
Let’s get this straight. There is a group of citizens who are doing a legally permissible petition under the laws of our government, and the mayor says that they are outright liars. Oh, how nice. And he says that Ridgewood citizens deserve better. WTF? These people are Ridgewood citizens. What a slime the mayor is. He should applaud their efforts, I know I certainly do. Why wouldn’t he cross the street to talk to them? He is such a terrible leader, just the worst. Instead of embracing differences of opinion, he ltries to discredit those who dare to disagree.
As usual our dictator the mayor is going rogue, making pronouncements and announcements in selected emails to targeted recipients, instead of bringing up a topic for discussion in the proper venue, at an open public meeting. He is a fool.
This is not about email etiquette. It is about backroom deal-making and fractious politics. There is a very pervasive sense regardless of how you feel about the garage that this garage initiative is being rushed though. Why else the wholly undesirable use of County financing? If this proposal is truly supported by the people of Ridgewood the upcoming election will tell the tale. The surveillance by the Mayor and the scurrilous claim that opposition is based on lies and misinformation make those of us who are considering all sides of the proposal suspicious that the incumbent council majority is being less than transparent in their motives.
Looking ahead perhaps with an early spring in mind ..the honest citizens having done their duties to expose a serious wrong and set about a legal petition to lay the groundwork for a real functioning future local government.One that listens and weighs the impact of their decisions on the communities of Ridgewood rather than the selected few in a small commercial zone’s overdevelopment plan.Valley would have us drawn and quartered in a lawsuit had we rolled over and built that non conforming monstrosity.
Now I don’t feel bad that I did not get the email either.
Did he not send it to those who he imagined were spreading misinformation and lies?
I am kind of proud to know that I am not on his list of friends. His nonfriends constitute a prestigous group of residents.
I hope that Ann, Gail, Lorraine or Dana run for elected office. They are doing the hard work of caring for this town. The gavel could be in better hands.
Surveillance by Aronsohn! What’s next? An enemies list?
2:17 pm – I truly hope that Ann, Gail, Lorraine or Dana do run for council since they know what’s best for Ridgewood. It will interesting to see how they cope with all the scrutiny.
“Paying for parking is a sign from God that you’re in an area not designed for a car,” he said. “You are fighting the design of your city.” Quote from Feb. 29 New Yorker magazine online. article by Nick Paumgarten
This certainly applies to Ridgewood about building an ugly parking garage, that doesn’t fit the surrounding architecture.
This is a quote from Feb. 29, 2016 article in the New Yorker by Nick Paumgarten. I think it applies to Ridgewood, the way Ridgewood is designed. We should not have any parking garage here. Instead , I think Dave Slomin has some great ideas to improve the parking situation. I think the council should give him a chance. They use ideas of other residents on various committees. Dave should establish a parking committee.
Think small re configuring the parking spots in town. Add a second level here and there; Using the lot behind the movie theater that Dave Slomin said is available.
Don’t forget poster its just not Aronsohn but Gwenn and Albert. They are all copiable. This could not be done without the help and support of the other two. Remember that in the up coming election. They ran together and they should be voted out of office together..
“The mayor and council should play a more proactive leadership role managing the conversation, leading the effort to find more common ground and making sure that the residents have a seat at the table and their voices heard,” he said.
Aronsohn also called for the planning board to rescind the master plan amendment that was passed in June 2010, saying it should “restore the original language.”
6:00 PM – THANK YOU!! for reminding us of our Mayor’s campaign promise. What say you Mr. Aronsohn?
6:46pm – Mayor’s promise? This guy promises every minute and breaks them every other minute.
3:11 they won’t face any scrutiny because they won’t do anything.
can someone post the contents of the email?
6:00pm, great find. What happened to that guy?
3:35 that guy was never for real. He was created to tell you what you wanted to hear.