file photo by Boyd Loving
the staff of The Ridgewood Blog
Ridgewood NJ, members of our staff say they routinely witness violations of Stage II water conservation regulations and routinely report such violations to Ridgewood Water (@ 201-670-5500, extension 2271), but nothing seems to change.
The violators continue to use automated and manual lawn irrigation devices in violation of established regulations, this no matter how many times members of our staff have notified Ridgewood Water.
Anyone out there know why Ridgewood Water appears unwilling to enforce their own Stage II water conservation regulations? What are they afraid of?
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Get a hose tripod. U can manually water every day.
rw water and rw needs the revenue from the water use…
Irrigation is allowed any day (within time restrictions) if utilizing a hand-held hose
Ok Here is the deal, know body is policing it, why? Because there is no OT. Only Ridgewood Water can issue tickets, the police can’t.
Ridgewood police can’t go on your property and issue a ticket only Ridgewood water can.
So Bloggers are now the water police. The Bud Light mishap is a lessen to be learned.
What towns are the houses in? Ridgewood Water has no jurisdiction in the other 3 towns serviced by the utility. It is up to each town to introduce and pass water restriction ordinances and enforce them accordingly. Currently, Glen Rock is the only town willing to perform those duties. Feel free to write the mayors of the other towns to get their acts together!
At this point who is the shit, I’m not drinking that water anymore. It sucks. I only use it to flush the toilet and water the lawn. At this point they should just sell it to him the money and run.