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The Ridgewood Police Friendly Reminders


file photo by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood Police Department is offering some friendly reminders :

“The Ridgewood Police Department wants to remind our community of the dangers of alcohol. Please drink responsibly and do not get into a vehicle after you have been drinking. There are plenty of ride sharing options available to you before risking your life and others by driving under the influence. We also remind our community of the dangers of underage drinking. If you host a party that has those under the age of 21 drinking, you will be charged criminally.

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The Ridgewood Police Department is once again seeing an increase in motor vehicle thefts. These thefts can be prevented by taking your keys with you and securing your vehicle. Please make it a routine to lock all of your doors and not to leave the vehicle unattended with the keys inside.

Ridgewood and surrounding communities are seeing a rise in catalytic converter thefts. The vehicles are parked overnight on the street, so we remind everyone that overnight parking between 0200 and 0600 hours is not permitted in the Village without special permission.

The Ridgewood Police Department welcomes all of our children back to school and remind everyone to be alert with the change of traffic patterns. Children walking to school should always be alert and cross with crossing guards. Parents driving should be on the lookout for children crossing and follow their schools drop off/pick up plan. Everyone should plan accordingly for added traffic and to be alert while driving. Best of luck to all in the new year!”

2 thoughts on “The Ridgewood Police Friendly Reminders

  1. I feel bad for the Bergen County police with all these car thefts. Paramus police apprehended two guys from NYC who were driving a vehicle stolen in Vermont. Saddle River police initiated the chase but had to call it off due to safety reasons. Paramus police then spotted the car, gave chase but then had to call it off for safety reasons. The two idiot thieves wound up crashing into a vehicle stopped in afternoon rush hour traffic near Rtes 17 and 4. They then fled the vehicle but were later captured by Paramus police who had to chase them through backyards. We need to lock these guys up and throw away the keys. They not only steal from people but also endanger lives in the process.

  2. Car thefts r by kids 13-16 who r immediately released if caught. Might be helpful to actually have a police presence in neighborhoods w such criminal activity

    The warning on hosting an event w underage drinking ..,ur r 4 mths too late. Should have pushed this out in a May before the grad parties that take place in June/July/August

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